Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week of 2/1 - 2/5

Odds and Ends

*Change for Haiti: Thank you for all of you who donated to Change for Haiti! We have collected over $1600 for the victims of the earthquake. Way to go! What a caring group of students! We will continue to collect next week.


*Tues. 2/2: No School: Institute Day: Happy Groundhog Day

*Wed. 2/3: Math: Ch 21 Test

*Thurs. 2/4: English: Adjective Test (ch 4)

District Spelling Bee 1 pm

*Fri. 2/5: Spelling: List 20 Test

Math: 9's multiplication test


*Reading: We will begin inferencing with a chapter from the book Ramona Quimby Age 8. We will also continue ISAT preparation.

*English: We will be finishing up ch. 4 on adjectives this week. We will review Mon. and Wed. and test will be on Thursday. Your child will be taking home their textbook and workbook on Mon. They can review the pages in ch. 4 and do any workbook pages we did not do in class to practice for test. There are also study sheets in their binder. Next up: Expository writing!

*Spelling: This week we will be on list 20. We will focus on words spelled with "er". There will be a test on Friday.

*Science: We will continue to focus on weather and talk about the different types of weather. We will review the chapter for the end of the unit test on Tues. 2/9. A study guide will be sent home. We all enjoyed Cosmic Capers- what a fun, hands on way to learn about space!

*Social Studies: We will begin our next unit Ancient Egypt very soon!

*Math: The students will continue to learn and review the metric measurement system. The test will be on Wed. 2/3. We will begin ch. 14: Geometry next. Please practice your 9's multiplication. We will take the 9's timed test on Fri. The next 2 weeks will be devoted to mixed multiplication tests, so keep those facts sharp!

Thanks for checking out my blog!

Mrs. Olsen

Friday, January 22, 2010

week of 1/25-1/29

Odds and Ends

*Congratulations to Bobbi and Andrew who did a FANTASTIC job in our 3rd grade spelling bee! We are all so proud of their hard work! Way to go!!

*Change for Haiti: We are collecting spare change for the victims of the horrible earthquake in Haiti. We will be collecting money until Friday, 1/29. If you would like to send in a cash or check (made out to the Red Cross), please send it in a marked envelope (Change for Haiti). Thank you for your help and support for this wonderful cause!

*Volunteers: Thank you to Mrs. Crandell, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Tshulos for volunteering to help in the classroom. I am still looking for any volunteers (parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc) to help read and write in small groups or one on one during our daily center time (Mon-Thurs 2:00-2:20). You can come one day a week, one day a month, or more if you can! Thank you!


*Mon. 1/25: Math: Ch. 20 Customary Measurement Test

* Fri. 1/29: Spelling: List 19 Test
Math: 8's multiplication timed test
Cosmic Capers: 9:30-11:00


*Reading: We will continue to discuss summarizing and sequencing as we finish reading Lost and Found. We will work on an extended response to this story, as well as other ISAT test preparation.

*English: We will continue to study adjectives (ch 4).

*Spelling: We will work on list 19 this week. This list focuses on words spelled with "or". There will be a test on Friday.

*Science: We will continue to talk about the water cycle and weather this week. We will learn about CLOUDS! The students will enjoy the presentation "Cosmic Capers" on Friday. This will review all that we learned in our space unit!

*Social Studies: We were very impressed with the wonderful culture day presentations this week. It was so interesting to learn about each other's cultures and traditions. Thank you for all of your hard work and effort!

*Math: We are finishing up ch. 20 today. We reviewed the chapter today and the ch. 20 test will be on Monday 1/25. We will begin ch 21 Metric measurement next. We will focus on 8's multiplication next week (be sure to study your facts every night...they are getting harder!)

Thank you for checking out my blog this week! Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Olsen

Friday, January 15, 2010

Week of 1/18-1/22

Odds and Ends

*Volunteers: I am still looking for volunteers (moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents) who would like to come read and write with the students in small groups or one-on-one from 2:00-2:20 during our center time Mon-Thurs. Please contact me if you can come once, weekly, or here and there. Thanks!

*Spelling Bee: Congratulations to Bobbi Cole and Andrew Alfini for making it as our classrooms top 2 spellers. They will compete against the other top 2 spellers from each 3rd grade classroom on Fri. 1/22. Great job to all students for their hard work, wonderful spelling, and great support!

Upcoming Events:

*Mon. 1/18: No School: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

*Wed. 1/20-Thurs. 1/21: Social Studies: Culture Day Presentations (your child will present on one of the days-see their packet to see what day they signed up for)

*Fri. 1/22: 3rd grade spelling bee 8:10 am: Bobbi and Andrew will represent our class
Reading: Lost and Found vocab review
Math: 7's multiplication timed test


*Reading: We will begin summarizing as we read the story Lost and Found by Mark Teague. We will also read some of his other fun and silly books. We will introduce the vocabulary words early this week and there will be a graded review over the words on Fri. 1/22.

*English: We will begin our chapter on adjectives (ch 4).

*Spelling: We are on list 17. This is another review week, so there is not a list that goes home to study. Instead, we will focus on the spelling rules from the last 7 lists. Workbook pages will be assigned on Tuesday to be completed by Thurs. The review test will be on Fri.

*Science: Ask your child to show you the 4 movements for the water cycle! We will continue to study the water cycle and weather next week.

*Social Studies: We are coming to the end of chapter 3. Instead of an end of the unit test, we will end the unit with Culture Day! This is an exciting and fun activity that the students and teachers enjoy. Your child is presenting on Wed. 1/20 or Thurs. 1/21 (they have their date written down in their packet). Please send your child to school with any notes, visual aides, and props that they will need on the day of their presentation. I can't wait to learn more about each child and their culture!
*Math: We began chapter 20: Customary Measurement.
We will focus on:
The ch. 20 test is tentatively set for Mon. 1/25. Then we will begin ch. 21: Metric Measurement. We will also work on 7's multiplication this week. The facts are getting more tricky, so please spend some time each night studying multiplication facts. Thank you!

Thank you for checking out my blog this week. Enjoy the long weekend and "warmer" weather!
~Mrs. Olsen

Friday, January 8, 2010

Week of 1/11-1/15

Odds and Ends:
Happy New Year! I hope that you had a wonderful, relaxing winter break!
I hope 2010 brings you happiness and good health!

*IOWA Testing: We will be taking the IOWA Basic Skills Tests Mon. 1/11-Wed. 1/13. There will be testing every morning during reading and english and every day during math. There is no studying or at home preparation for these tests, but as always, be sure your child gets a full nights rest and eats a healthy breakfast each morning! If you would like to send in healthy "brain" food or drink for the class during the week, that would be much appreciated!

Some ideas are:
pretzels, goldfish crackers, crackers, 100% juice boxes, fruit, veggies.

*Volunteers: I am still looking for parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, etc volunteers to come to the class during our center time. We have centers Mon-Thurs from 2:00-2:20. If you know of anyone that would be interested in coming in once a week or more, please let me know!

* Friendly Letters: The students are learning to write friendly letters this week. If you would like to send a friendly letter to the school (mail or hand delivered), the office will give it to me and I can make a special delivery to your child. This would be a great treat during IOWA's week if you sent in a note wishing him/her good luck on the tests. Thanks for your participation in this fun activity.


*Mon. 1/11-Wed. 1/13: IOWA Testing

*Fri. 1/15: Math: 6's multiplication timed test

*Mon. 1/18: No School: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

*Wed. 1/20 and Thurs. 1/21: Culture Day Presentations


*Reading: We will be testing during reading Mon-Wed. We will end the week with some ISAT practice on problem/solution, genre, and word work. Our next story will be Lost and Found and focus on summarizing.

*English: We will be testing during english Mon-Wed. We will end the week with a practice extended response while we read Ruby the Copy Cat. Our next unit will begin the following week when we begin chapter 4: adjectives!

*Spelling: There is no spelling this week! We will start with list 17 the following week. This will be a review week.

*Science: We are studying weather (ch. 9). Next lesson: the water cycle.

*Social Studies: We will be finishing up ch. 3 this week when we focus on lesson 4: citizenship. There will not be a chapter test. Instead, your child will present on their culture. The plan sheet for culture day is due Mon. 1/11. Please email me with any questions. Thanks!

*Math: We will be testing during math Mon-Wed. We will still practice multiplication this week as we focus on the 6's. There will be 6's timed test on Friday. We will begin measurement next (ch 20).

Thank you for checking out this week's blog!
Stay warm this weekend and enjoy the snow!
Mrs. Olsen