Odds and Ends:
* Magazine Drive: WOW! Our class came in first place in the magazine drive. Thank you for your participation in this great school fundraiser. We will be rewarded with a classroom pizza party and a spot in the all school Mario Kart assembly. More information coming soon!
*Mon. 9/30: English: DOL #2 Graded Review
* Wed. 10/2: September Reading Calendars Due
Social Studies: Hemispheres Quiz
PE: Soccer Test
*Fri. 10/4: Spelling: List 6 Test
* English: We will work on our public speaking skills as we present our essays. We will begin our descriptive writing unit and ch. 2 nouns.
*Spelling: This week we will focus on list 6.
*Social Studies: Our map skills unit is wrapping up. We will take our hemispheres quiz on Wed. 10/2. We will begin our next unit on communities and local government as we study Downers Grove history.
* Science: We will continue to learn about ecosystems and the changes that occur due to natural causes and human influence this week.
*Math: We will continue to work on ch. 2 addition. We will practice a timed facts test every day. Beginning Fri. 10/4, the tests will count for a grade (10 points). If your child does not pass Fri. (they are allowed to miss one), they will retake Mon. for a grade of 9/10 points. From that point on, each retake day will result in one point deduction. Thank you for practicing these facts at home.
Have a beautiful, fall weekend!
Mrs. Olsen