Friday, April 26, 2019

Week of 4/29

Odds and Ends:

Image result for thank you !
Thank you to everyone who came out to Open House! It was so great to see everyone and the students were so PROUD to show off their hard work. Great job students!


*Mon. 4/29 and Wed. 5/1: Fountas and Pinnell reading test

* Fri. 5/3: Spelling: test and 3 activities due
Math: 7's division test


*Reading: We will continue to read The One and Only Ivan. Ask your child about this amazing story! We are also going to focus on finding the meaning of unknown words using context clues.

*Spelling: We will work on activities in school next week, but please check with your child on their progress. With open house this week, we did not spend much time working on spelling during the school day. The activities and test are due on Fri. 5/3.

Image result for image of solar system*Science: We've enjoyed talking about our planet, climate change, and the universe as we are studying the solar system. Our planet trading cards are looking great! Students will be sharing these as they complete them next week.

* Social Studies: We will continue to work on the last part of our Chicago unit. We will focus on more modern day Chicago. The students made travel brochures for modern day travel spots in the city. They will share them with their classmates next week.

* Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are continuing our study of geometry and will work on perimeter next week. We will also focus on 7's division.

Have a great weekend (hopefully not a SNOWY one!)

Mrs. Olsen

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Week of 4/22

Odds and Ends: 

Bring the Change Spirit Week!
We are celebrating our PV Spirit Week next week 4/22-4/26 with a focus and a purpose. We are raising money for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Foundation while raising school spirit! Bring change for a great cause and wear something fun!  

Monday 4/22 - PJ Penny Day (wear your pajamas and bring in pennies)
Tuesday 4/23 - Neon Nickels Day (wear bright colors and bring in nickels)
Wednesday 4/24 - Dazzling Dimes Day (wear something shiny or unique and bring dimes)
Thursday 4/25 - Crazy Quarters Day (wear crazy socks or a hat and bring quarters)
Friday 4/26 - Team up for Leukemia (wear team jerseys or colors and bring all coins)


* Mon. 4/22: 4's division test 
Image result for school open house

*Wed. 4/24: Open House 

*Fri. 4/26: Chicago Quiz #2 
6's division test 


* Reading: We will continue to work on The One and Only Ivan as we work on context clues and making inferences. 

* Spelling; Students will receive a spelling list and activities on Monday. The test and 3 activities will be due on Fri. 5/3.

* Social Studies: We are working on Chicago as we prepare for our open house, which as a theme of Chicago. We will take Quiz #2 on Friday 4/26. If your child fills out the study guide, they are able to use it on the quiz. No other notes or books will be allowed during the quiz.

Image result for image of planets*Science:  We are going to do a study of planets as we learn about our place in the world and universe.

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are continuing to work on geometry. We are learning a lot of vocabulary and trying to practice and use the words in class to help the students understand them. We will work on 6's division next week and take the 4's division test on Monday.

Mrs. Olsen

Friday, April 12, 2019

Week of 4/15

Odds and Ends: 

IAR testing is done! The kids worked hard and I am so proud of them! Way to go!

Image result for image of easter


* Thurs. 4/18:  Early Dismissal at 11

*Fri. 4/19: No School: Happy Easter

Image result for image of one and only ivan

*Reading: We are continuing to read The One and Only Ivan. It is such a great story! We are talking about figurative language, point of view, and inferencing as we read and discuss the story.

*Spelling: A new word sort and activities will be sent home Mon. 4/15. The test and activities will be due on Fri. 4/26.

*Social Studies: We have been learning so much about the Great Chicago Fire. We have read about it from several different sources and watching some fascinating videos about the fire. We are writing stories about the fire from Mrs. O'Leary's cow's point of view. We will also be working on making brochures about cool places to visit in Chicago.

Image result for image of geometry* Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are busy learning all about the attributes of different polgyons in geometry. There is SO much vocabulary in this unit, so please ask your child about the new math words and what they mean: words like acute angles, obtuse angles, right angles, perpendicular, parallel, quadrilateral, vertex, and more.  These are not "everyday" words, but they are present in everyday life. Go on an "angle" hunt in your home and find examples of the different angles. Same with lines...can your child find perpendicular and parallel lines in their everyday worlds? The more they practice, the more they will understand these concepts. Thanks!

We will also work on 4's division this week with a test on Mon. 4/22 due to the shortened week.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen

Friday, April 5, 2019

Week of 4/8

Odds and Ends

Image result for image of sunshineI hope you all had a relaxing and fun Spring Break. The students were so excited to tell me all about the things they did.  My family drove to the sunny, warm beaches of Florida and we've been dreaming of the beach every since. Summer is just around the corner in we just need the sunshine and warm weather! 

IAR Testing: The students have been doing a fabulous job on their IAR testing! Just 2 more tests to go..ELA next week Tues. and Wed.  Way to go Panthers!


* Mon. 4/8: Math: 11's division test 

*Tues. 4/9: IAR ELA test 1

*Wed. 4/10: IAR ELA Test 2 

*Fri. 4/12: Spelling: Test and 3 activities due 
Math: 3's division test


* ELA: We started Unit 3: Stand Up for What You Believe In and began reading one of our favorite novels, The One and Only Ivan. This is a heartwarming story about a gorilla named Ivan. We will read the story together every day in class and have class discussions. We will focus on figurative language, point of view, and making inferences. We also will work on figuring out the meaning of the unknown words using context clues. 

*Spelling: We are working back on spelling again. We will have a test on Fri. 4/12 and 3 activities are due on Fri. Please check in with your child to see what they have done and what they have to finish by next week.  They have been given class time this week to work on it, so hopefully they are using their time wisely! 

Image result for image of great chicago fire* Social Studies: We are busy learning about the history of Chicago. We took our first graded quiz today. We will begin studying about the Industrial Revolution and the Great Chicago Fire next week. 

* Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We have been working on the IAR test so we will officially begin unit 6 on Monday. We will focus on geometry and begin by looking at the attributes of polygons. We will take the 11's division test on Mon (rather than today due to IAR testing) and the 3's division test on Fri. 4/12. 

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen