Friday, September 21, 2007

Classroom News Issue 3

Study Buddy:
A study buddy is a friend in your child’s class that he/she can call with questions or for clarification on an assignment or upcoming test. This simple, yet effective system only requires the exchanging of phone numbers in case your child needs their help. If any parents are interested, please email or write a note and I will make arrangements with interested students and send the information back home. Thank you!


Please remember to send a healthy snack (nature made only...please no granola bars or fruit snacks) and/or juice or water with your child each day for our mid morning snack break. Please send only 1 healthy snack. Thank you!

Johnny Appleseed's Birthday: A reminder note will be sent home on Monday about our classroom celebration honoring Johnny Appleseed, but I wanted to inform you of what is needed for our celebration before the weekend. Your child will be asked to bring in a peeled, cored, and sliced apple to school on Wednesday to be used to make applesauce for the class. We are looking for donations of small bowls, spoons, and applejuice to use on Wednesday. If this is something you are interested in helping with, please email me or send the items in any day before Wednesday. Thank you in advance for your help!

Can YOU Lend A Helping Hand?? We are still in need of some classroom items. If you are interested in helping, please send in small, inexpensive items to fill our classroom prize box. We are in need of boys and girls items. The dollar store, Target, and Wal-Mart are great places to find these items. THANK YOU! Also, any 100% juice to have as a back up for snack time is also needed.

Upcoming Events:
*Tues. 9/25: English: Subject Predicate Graded Review
Magazine Turn In Day
*Wed. 9/26: Johnny Appleseed's Birthday: Please send in your peeled, cored, and sliced apple today for a special activity
*Thurs. 9/27: English: Unit 1 "The Sentence" Test
*Fri. 9/29: Social Studies: Directions Quiz
Spelling List 4 Test

A Look At Our Week:

Math: We have finished Chapter 2 and we will be starting Chapter 1 on Monday. This chapter will begin by focusing on place value, rounding, and money.

Science: We are working our way through the body systems. Ask your child about the nervous system and what side of their brain is "dominant". We will begin the respiratory and digestive systems next week. For a look ahead, the final test on the body systems is set for Friday, October 5th. A study "guide" will be sent home later this week.

On Monday, October 1st, we will have a special program called Goo, Glob, and Guts in the classroom. This hands-on program allows the children to see and feel parts of the body systems we have been studying in class. Please send the $7 to cover the costs of this program to school in a marked envelope (student name, teacher name, and what its for) to school by Friday, Sept. 28th. Thank you!

*Social Studies: We will being a unit on map skills. The first part of this unit will be on directions. Please save all worksheets that go home. Your child will use these later to study for quizzes and tests!

Spelling: We will be working on List 4, plural nouns that end is "s" or "es". We will have a pretest on Monday and the final test on Friday. Keep up the great work studying!

Reading: We are continuing to use our reading strategies as we read The Chalkbox Kid. We are enjoying learning about the different characters and events happening in the story. We will also begin learning about prefixes, root words, and suffixes.

I hope the fiction book reading projects are coming along. I took a quick "survey" of the kids progress today in class and most have completed reading the books and are starting the posters. Remember, the final poster is due on October 26th.

English: Our first unit in English is coming to an end. Students learned all about the different types of sentences and parts of the sentence (subject and predicate) The Unit 1 test will be on Thursday, Sept. 27th. Textbooks and workbooks will be sent home starting next Monday for students who want to get a head start on studying. A good way to study is to review the workbook pages, review the lessons in the text book, and try the chapter review in the book. Also, look back at any saved worksheets in the English folder in their binder.