Saturday, April 26, 2008

Classroom Issue #30

Classroom News!
*Field Trip: We are going to the Field Museum on Monday, April 28th. This will be an all day field trip. Please send your child to school with comfortable walking shoes and either money for McDonald's lunch ($6) or a completely disposable sack lunch. This will be a great day of learning more about Egypt and Chicago! Thank you!
Upcoming Events:
*Mon. 4/28: Field Trip Museum
Spelling: List 29: Pretest
*Thurs. 5/1: Social Studies: Downers Grove/Chapter 12 Test
*Fri. 5/2: Spelling List 29 Test
*Math: We will continue to work in Chapter 11:Fractions and Decimals. We will look at comparing fractions and equivalent fractions. We will also focus on 7's division with a timed test on Friday.
*Reading: We are starting book clubs this week with mystery books. Your child will be in a book group reading a mystery book, focusing on the reading strategies we have been working on the whole year. I will be sending a note home about the program, which involves reading the book at home for 20 min each night. Thanks!
*English: We are working on pronouns as well as poetry. A poem will be sent home each Monday for your child to practice reading to improve their fluency skills. We will also learn about different types of poetry and write some of our own! We will also begin writing our pen pal letters to the 2nd graders at Elizabeth Ide school. They will come to our classroom at the end of May to visit with us!
*Science: We are starting our new unit, Space.
*Social Studies: We are finishing up our study of Downers Grove and Chapter 12. A study guide was sent home last week for the upcoming test on Thursday, May 1st. Please look in your child's social studies binder for some worksheets to help with studying.
*Spelling: We will work on List 29 this week. There will be a pretest on Monday and the final test on Friday.
Thank you for checking in this week! Enjoy your weekend!
~Miss Carlstrom