Friday, May 9, 2008

Classroom News May 12-16

Odds and Ends

*Last Field Trip of the Year: As an extension to our Chicago unit, we will be taking a field trip to downtown Chicago where we will be taking a boat ride on Lake Michigan, visiting Navy Pier, and hopefully have enough time to go to Millennium Park. This will take place on Tuesday, June 3rd. The cost is $7 for the boat ride. Your child should bring a sack lunch with them that day. I am in the process of finding chaperones for the event, but if you want to go and I have not yet contacted you, you can always meet us in the city and join us on the boat ride. A permission slip was sent home today with more details. Thanks!

*Stranger Danger: We have spent some time talking in class this week about stranger danger in response to some recent incidents. I encouraged the students to talk with their parents about this important issue. Thanks!

*Thank you to everyone for helping to make Teacher Appreciation week fantastic! I am so lucky to have such a great class with such generous and giving families. Thank you!

*School Supplies: As the end of the year approaches, our school supplies start to run low. Some students have run out of pencils...please ask if your child if they are in need of any supplies to get them through the end of the year. Thanks!

*Fri. 5/16: Science: Moon Graded Review

Spelling: List 31 Test

Spirit Day: Dress as your favorite book character! Who will you be?

ABC Countdown Days:

Mon: Hat Day

Tues: Ice Cream day: Thank you, Madison Smith for bringing in our special treat!

Wed: Jump Rope Day: We will jump rope today!

Thurs: Kindness Day: show kindness through words and actions

Fri: Lucky Charms: We will enjoy Lucky Charms and share our lucky charms today. Thanks to those of you who donated cereal for this day.


*Math: We are focusing on decimals this week. We will talk about tenths and hundredths place. We will also do some problem solving and adding/subtracting with fractions and decimals. We will work on 9's division this week as well.

*Science: Off to the MOON! We will focus on studying the moon this week. We will learn about craters, phases of the moon, what the moon is made up of ( not cheese!), how the moon orbits the earth, and much more! There will be a graded review of the moon on Friday, May 16th. The students will receive a study guide next week.

*Reading: The students are busy reading and trying to solve their mysteries. We are enjoying have book club meetings and discussing clues and suspects. We will continue to read and do various activities as we practice our reading strategies.

*English: The students have completed their last unit in the English textbook! Way to Go! We will finish the year with a poetry unit and persuasive writing.
*Spelling: Next week is list 31: contractions. We will have a pretest on Monday and a graded test on Friday.

Thank you for checking our classroom blog this week! Have an excellent weekend!

~Miss Carlstrom~