Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 20-24

Odds and Ends

*A BIG Thank you to our Downers Grove field trip chaperones: Mrs. Veverka, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs.Silva, Mrs.Smead, Mrs. Klamer, and Mrs. David. Thank you for your help! We had a wonderful time seeing our history lessons come to life as we traveled to many historic landmarks around Downers Grove.

*Robert Crown Field Trip: We will be going to Robert Crown Center on the morning of Friday, 10/31. This will be an extension of our health unit in science. If you have not already, please send in a signed permission slip. There is no cost to this trip. Also, due to the nature of the trip. no chaperones are needed.
*Halloween Party: We will be having a classroom party during the afternoon on Friday, 10/31. If your child wants to dress up for our school parade, they may bring a costume to school. We will change into it after lunch. It is best to send a costume that your child can get into by themselves. More info. coming soon!

Upcoming Events

*Wed. 10/22: Early Dismissal 11 am
*Fri. 10/24: Spelling: Test List 7
Spelling Packet Due

A Look At Next Week

Mrs. Olsen's Language Arts Class

*Reading: The students enjoyed learning about puffins as we reviewed fact and opinion. We will continue to work on our extended response to the story,
where we combine the author ideas with our own ideas to answer a question.
Our next focus will be on compare and contrast.
Also...don't forget....fiction book projects due 10/29!
Please let your child ask me for paper supplies if they need them!

*English: We finished up our first short writing unit, focusing on the 5 paragraph essay.
The students wrote great papers on their 3 favorite things.
Our next unit will be descriptive writing!

*Spelling: This week we are on list 7. There will be a pretest on Monday and a spelling packet will be sent home Monday with the week's activities.
The packet will be due on Friday.
We also have our final test on Friday.

Mrs. Olsen's Science and Social Studies Class:

*Science: We are studying health. So far we have covered ways to stay healthy
and the food pyramid. Next up...
* germs
* safe medicine use
*drugs and alcohol

*Social Studies: We will move onto modern day Downers Grove and
local government (ch 12 in our textbook).
We will discuss our nation's upcoming election!

Mrs. Olsen's Math Class:

*Math: We will continue to review 2 and 3 digit addition as well as estimating sums.
We practice rounding every day....try this out at home =)
Tell your child a 2-4 digit number and have them round the number out loud or on paper.
They are getting really great at this skill.
We will also continue to practice addition math facts.

Thank you for checking in. Have a wonderful weekend!

~Mrs. Olsen