Friday, November 7, 2008

November 10-14

Odds and Ends
*Book Worm Angels: Thank you to Nicole and Angela for bringing in gently used books for our school wide book drive. Please look through your book shelves and donate any gently used children's books that will be donated to schools and children in need. The final day to donate is Friday, 11/14.
*Health Fest: We will be celebrating healthy habits on Monday 11/10 in honor of finishing our health unit in Science. To help us celebrate, please send in a healthy snack to share with the rest of the class...cheese cubes, crackers, fruit, veggies, 100% juice boxes. No nuts please! Thank you! Also, your child can bring in a toothbrush and toothpaste (in a baggie with their name clearly marked) and a stuffed animal.
*Mon 11/10: Science: Health Fest
*Tues 11/11: Veteran's Day: No School
*Wed 11/12: Science: Health Test
Reading: Cliffhanger Vocab Test
*Fri 11/14: Book Drive Ends
Spelling: Test List 11
Mrs. Olsen's Language Arts Block:
*Reading: We will continue to focus on the strategy cause and effect. Don't forget to study the Cliffhanger vocab words for Wed 11/12 quiz.
New monthly book projects were sent home. The new focus is non-fiction books and the students will be making new book covers for the books. The projects are due Wed, December 17th.
Parent/Teacher conferences for December are being held with the Language Arts teacher this year. Most of you signed up for a conference at Curriculum Night. Next week, I will be sending home a confirmation sheet. Please look over the date and time and confirm your conference with me by filling out the bottom portion and returning it with your child as soon as possible.
*English: We are working on nouns as well as descriptive writing.
*Spelling: We will be on list 11 this week. There will be a pretest on Monday and the final test will be on Friday. The assignment packet will be due on Friday.
Mrs. Olsen's Science and Social Studies Class:
*Science: We are finishing up our health unit. We will celebrate with our Health Fest on Monday 11/10 and play a review game for the test on Wed. 11/12. Please review your study guide, reread the lessons in your textbook, and be sure to know how to make pictograph for the test! Next unit: science inquiry tools.
*Social Studies: We will continue to learn about present day Downers Grove and the local government. The test is tentatively scheduled for Tues. 11/18. More info coming soon.
Mrs.Olsen's Math Class:
*Math: We are busy learning about subtraction. We have been practicing our fast facts with a 3 minute mad minute each day. Please study over these 30 problem sheets and we will continue to practice them in class. I will let you know when they count for a grade. We will work with subtracting across zeros next week.
Thank you for checking in this week. Hope you have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen