Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week of 11/2 -11/6

Enjoy some photos from our Matter Matters Presentation. We were watching dry ice create a witches' brew! Spooky!

Odds and Ends

*Thank you to the following parents for making our Halloween party a blast! We appreciate your time and energy to make our party so much fun!

Mrs. Hougaard
Mrs. Peloso
Mrs. Lukacik

Mrs. McCallion
Mrs. Crandell

*Picture Retakes: The date for picture retakes has changed to November 19th, instead of November 5th. If you would like your child to retake their photo or if you missed ordering photos the first time, please send in the photo packet (coming soon) or check and order with your child on November 19th. Thank you!


*Fri. 10/30: No School: Teacher Institute
*Tues. 11/3: Math: Chapter 4 Test
*Fri. 11/4: Spelling: List 11 Test
Reading: Cause and Effect Graded Review
Social Studies: Downers Grove History Quiz


*Reading: We will begin a new skill focus this week as we focus on cause and effect. We will read a variety of books as we discuss cause and effect. There will be a graded review of this skill on Friday.
*English: The student's descriptive writing about haunted houses was "spook-tacular!" The students really enjoyed applying all that they learned about descriptive writing into this creative activity. We will begin a new unit on Nouns next week.

*Spelling: We will work on list 11 next week. The focus is on double consonants in the middle of words. The students will have a test on Friday.

*Science: We will continue to work on space and begin studying the planets in the solar system.

*Social Studies: We will continue our study of Downers Grove as we explore the Underground Railroad and the historic Tivoli Theatre. The quiz covering the history of Downers Grove is scheduled for Friday, November 6th. A study guide was sent home with your child today.

*Math: We will be finishing chapter 4 subtraction this week. The test is Tuesday, 11/3. We will begin problem solving: make a table. This will be an introduction to writing t-charts: a skill that has the students write what they did and why as they solve a word problem. Look for a packet coming home next week explaining this skill. We will also be begin taking subtraction timed tests for a grade on Monday. Any retakes after Monday will result in a one point deduction.

Thank you for checking out our blog. Have a spooky, safe, and FUN Halloween!!

~Mrs. Olsen and Miss Millbrandt