Friday, February 26, 2010

Week of 3/1- 3/5

Odds and Ends:

*ISAT Testing: ISAT testing begins for the state of Illinois next week. We will be taking one test a day beginning Tues. 3/1 through Wed. 3/10. We will test each morning. Please begin your child's day with a healthy breakfast and send a healthy snack and drink to school each day. If you would like to donate any healthy snacks and drinks for the whole class during the next 2 weeks, we would greatly appreciate it!! Ideas: goldfish crackers, apple or orange slices, bottles of water, pretzels, crackers, etc. Thanks!


*Mon. 3/1: No School: Casmir Pulaski Day

*Tues. 3/2: ISAT Reading Test I

*Wed. 3/3: ISAT Math Test I

*Thurs 3/4: ISAT Reading Test II

*Fri. 3/5: ISAT Math Test II


*Reading: We will be working on ISAT testing during reading this week. We will also work on fluency as we practice readers' theatre.

*English: We will continue to work on expository writing this week. The students are working on their own to write papers with and without the graphic organizer.

They are doing an outstanding job! Way to go!!!

*Spelling: We will not do spelling this week due to testing. Enjoy the week off!

*Science: We will continue to work on Ch. 11: States of Matter.

*Social Studies: We will continue to study Ancient Egypt this week.

We will focus on mummies and pyramids. What fun!

*Math: We will work on problem solving strategies this week.

We will also begin division-starting with the 2's.

A schedule similar to multiplication will be sent home as we begin our division timed tests. Thanks for your hard work studying at home!

Thanks for reading my blog and keeping updated on the happenings in our classroom!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Olsen