Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Week of 11/29

Odds and Ends:

* Fall conferences will be held the week of 11/29-12/1. Please be on time for your conference...they are only 15 minutes long and it is very easy to get off schedule! Thank you in advance for your cooperation! I am looking forward to meeting with parents and discussing your child's progress thus far in 3rd grade!

*Paper recycling: Don't forget to take advantage our our Paper Retriever recycling bin in Lakeview's parking lot. This is a great way to recycle and help our schools earn money. Thank you!


*Wed. 11/24-Fri. 11/26: No School: Happy Turkey Day!

* Mon. 11/29-Wed. 12/1: Conferences after school

* Thurs. 12/2: Spelling: List 9 Test
Reading: The Keeping Quilt vocabulary and comprehension test
Math: Ch. 5 Math Checkpoint

*Fri. 12/3: No School


*Reading: We will be focusing on author's point of view and purpose next week as we read The Keeping Quilt. If you have a quilt at home you can send it in with your child. If you would like to share your knowledge about quilting, please contact me via email. We would love to have someone come talk to the students about quilts. Thank you!

*Spelling: We will work on list 9: long i sound. A pretest will be given Monday. Homework will be sent home Monday as well. The final test and homework is on Thurs.

* English: We will begin a unit on narrative writing.

*Science: We will begin a new unit on ch. 4: ecosystems.

*Social Studies: We will begin a new chapter on culture and immigration (ch. 3).

* Math: We will continue to work on ch. 5 money. We will focus on counting back change ( up to $10) and adding and subtracting money. Please continue to reinforce these skills at home and over break. We will have a money checkpoint for a grade on Thurs. 12/2. We will also go over multiplication this week. A testing schedule for multiplication facts will be sent home on Monday.

Thank you for reading our blog this week. We wish you all a safe, healthy, and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday!

Mrs. Olsen and Miss Galloway