Friday, May 6, 2011

Odds and Ends:
I CAN NOT BELIEVE how fast these 3 months have gone bye! It has been such a pleasure working with these students! I have enjoyed every bit of it, as well as, gained a lot of experience!~ So THANK YOU! Mrs. Olsen will be returning to school on Monday, May 9. her email is

Thank you to all the students and families that donated money for the gift card! I am so exctied to use it! THANK YOU!

Upcoming Events:
MONDAY, MAY 9-Mrs. Olsen comes back!!!!
No Math-Monday, May 9


We will be beginning list 24. The pretest will be Monday and the final test will be on Friday.


The students will continue with chapter 1, but move onto lesson 2!

Social Studies:
We finished our BUDGET GAME! It was sooo cool learning how to save money and making good choices. The students will begin chapter 9: economics in their textbooks next week.

The students will continue reviewing how to divide. The Test divide by 5 test will be at the end of the week.

GOOD BYE and it has been such a pleasure working with each student!!!!! You can stop by the fourth grade area, that is where I will be!!