Friday, April 19, 2013

Week of 4/22

Odds and Ends: 

* Open House has been reschedule for Tues. 4/23 from 6:30-8:00. Hope to see you there! Wear your Chicago Sports gear to support the 3rd grade Chicago theme!

*Donations Needed: We are almost all out of glue sticks. Any donation of glue sticks would be greatly appreciated!!! Also, at this time of year, many students start running out of supplies. Please ask your child if they have enough pencils, Dry Erase markers, and a pair of scissors to get them through the year. Any of these supplies can be used in 4th grade too!

*Mon. 4/22: Earth Day: Wear your Earth Day shirt or wear green. Try to pack a waste free lunch!

*Tues. 4/23: Open House

*Thurs. 4/25: Social Studies: Chicago Quiz III Open book

*Fri. 4/26: Science: Ch. 10 Space Test
Math: 7's division test
Spelling: list 24 test


*Reading: We will focus on poetry, figurative language, and fluency and expression next week during our poetry unit. We will be reading and writing poetry. We will also select a good fit book to be used for a book project. Look for more information coming soon!

*English: We will work on our pronouns unit.

*Spelling: Next up: List 24! Business as usual: Mon: pretest, Thurs: homework due, Fri: test!

*Social Studies: We will be wrapping up our unit on Chicago in the upcoming week. The final open book quiz is Thurs. Look for a study guide that was sent home this week. We will finish our Chicago travel brochures. Please ask your child to see their rough draft so you can help them look over their work for the brochure.

*Science:  The students have almost successfully graduated from the Olsen Space Academy! We are working on the last unit, which focuses on the sun, planets, and stars. We made giant trading cards about each planet. So cool!

*Math: We will continue to work on multiplying greater numbers (ch. 23). We will also focus on 7's division facts this week. The test will be on Fri. 5/26.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen