Friday, February 21, 2014

Week of 2/24

Odds and Ends: 

*ISAT Testing: We will begin ISAT testing on Tues. 3/4. We will take one test a day Tues-Thurs both the week of 3/3 and 3/10.  Research shows that healthy snacks help boost brain power. I am looking for parent volunteers to send in donations of healthy snacks or juice boxes to share with the students on the day of the tests. We have 18 students in the class, so please send in enough for each child. We have nut and gluten allergies, so please consider those when selecting a snack. You can begin sending the snacks in as early as next week. Thank you for your help!

*Prize Box: Donations always welcome to our classroom prize box! Thank you!


* Tues. 2/25: Math: Ch. 10 Fractions Test
English: Friendly Letter Graded Review

*Thurs. 2/27: Spelling: List 18 test
Social Studies: Chicago Quiz I: Open book review

*Fri. 2/28: No School: Teacher Institute


*Reading: We will wrap up our work on our winter novels. We will begin a study of biographies.

* English: We will begin a unit on narrative writing. The students wrote a final letter to the celebrity of their choice. The friendly letter graded review will be on Tues. The students will need to know the 5 parts of a friendly letter and proofread a letter containing many mistakes.

* Spelling: We will work on list 18 this week. Due to no school on Friday, the test will be on Thurs.

* Social Studies: We are learning about sweet home Chicago! We are studying the flag and looking back through history at the early days of Chicago. We will take an open book review on Thurs. A study guide will be sent home Monday, but the students will be able to use their Chicago books for the quiz.

*Science: We will begin our next unit on Space in the upcoming weeks.

*Math: We completed ch. 10 on Fractions. A study packet was sent home today. The test will be on Tues. 2/25. We will work on ch.11 next week: measurement.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen