Odds and Ends:
*Brookfield Zoo Field Trip: Thank you for sending back in permission slips for our upcoming Brookfield Zoo trip on Fri. 5/24. Please send them in by Fri. 5/17 if you already haven't done so. I will be selecting chaperones soon and emailing anyone who showed interested if they were chosen or not.
*Fri. 5/17: Early Dismissal
Spelling: test and activities due
Math: 9's division test
*Spelling: We will continue to work with the same words this week. 3 activities and the test will be on Fri. 5/17.
*Social Studies: We will wrap up our unit on Chicago with group presentations put on the by the students who will be resident teachers on their area. We will then begin a unit on Ancient Egypt.
*Mrs.Olsen's Math Class: We will begin Unit 7 next week. This will focus on greater number multiplication and division. We will also focus on 9's division this week with a test on Fri. 5/17.
Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!
Mrs. Olsen