Friday, May 10, 2019

week of 5/13

Odds and Ends:

We are approaching the end of the year! How can it be?!?!  The students have been busy working on MAPs testing. We will take the MAPs Math test on Monday. We will also take our end of the year benchmark tests in reading and math next week.

Image result for image of brookfield zoo*Brookfield Zoo Field Trip: Thank you for sending back in permission slips for our upcoming Brookfield Zoo trip on Fri. 5/24. Please send them in by Fri. 5/17 if you already haven't done so. I will be selecting chaperones soon and emailing anyone who showed interested if they were chosen or not.


*Fri. 5/17: Early Dismissal
Spelling: test and activities due
Math: 9's division test


Image result for image of ancient egypt*Reading: We will focus on character and story inferences this week. We will learn more about what an inference is and apply it to the characters in  The One and Only Ivan.

*Spelling: We will continue to work with the same words this week. 3 activities and the test will be on Fri. 5/17.

*Social Studies: We will wrap up our unit on Chicago with group presentations put on the by the students who will be resident teachers on their area.  We will then begin a unit on Ancient Egypt.

*Mrs.Olsen's Math Class: We will begin Unit 7 next week. This will focus on greater number multiplication and division. We will also focus on 9's division this week with a test on Fri. 5/17.

Image result for image of mother's dayHave a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

Mrs. Olsen