Friday, September 20, 2019

Week of 9/23

Image result for johnny appleseedWe are getting ready to celebrate Johnny Appleseed's birthday on Thurs. 9/26. Please send in a peeled, cored, sliced apple to school with your child to be used to make homemade applesauce for our class as we celebrate his birthday.  The smell of delicious, warm applesauce will fill the air of the 3rd grade wing on Tuesday! Thank you! 

Thank you for signing and checking your child's assignment notebook every night!! 
I really appreciate it! 

**Second Step: We are working on our new SEL (Social Emotional Learning) curriculum this week. A home link page was sent home with your child today. This is an optional activity, but if you complete it with your child over the weekend and send it back on Monday, they will receive a goodie ticket. We will be discussing the activity on Monday as well. 


Image result for image of globe* Wed. 9/25: Social Studies: Continents and Ocean Quiz 

*Thurs. 9/26: Johnny Appleseed's Birthday Celebration : Don't forget to send in a peeled, cored, and sliced apple! 

* Fri. 9/27: Spelling: 3 spelling activities due and test today 

*Reading: We will focus on our first unit, Tales as Old as Time, as we explore different types of folktale literature. We will apply our reading strategies to this literature and focus on character traits, sequencing, and using text based evidence to answer our questions. 

*English: We will continue to study the structure of a sentence. We are finishing up our ME bag writing activities and they turned out amazing! Each child will take turn to share their 3 items and their paper to the class. The presentation portion will be graded. Your child brought home their notebook containing their paper today. Please have them refer to the presentation rubric (on green paper) as they practice reading their story out loud. We will present these papers on Monday and Tuesday. 

We are also working on capital letters for proper nouns, beginning of sentences, and using endmarks in DOL. A DOL quiz will be on Friday 10/4. A study guide will be sent home for what to practice. We are practicing this skill in our writing every day as well. 

*Spelling: We are beginning week 2 of our first spelling unit. Your child has been given time in class to work on their spelling menu activities. 3 activities are due by Fri. 9/27. Check in with your child's progress to make sure they will be able to complete these activities. You might need to have them work on some of the work at home.  Homework is a graded activity and each missing or incomplete assignment will reflect missing points. 

The test will be on Friday and will consist of randomly selected 15 words from their word list and then they will choose 2 of those 15 words to write 2 complete, accurate sentences. The test is worth 20 points. 

*Social Studies: We are busy working in cooperative groups to research about our continents. Students are finding WOW facts and then adding them to a poster with their group. We will share these presentations to the class next week. The quiz on continents and locations will be on Wed. 9/25. Students will need to know the location of all continents and oceans.  They will be given a word bank, so spelling counts. 
Image result for image of addition

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We will continue to learn a variety of addition and subtraction strategies to help us solve word problems and more complex problems. 

We are working on our addition and subtraction fluency as well. We will begin "practicing" our subtraction fast facts. If your child passes any of the practice tests with zero or one wrong, they will begin practicing multiplication facts.  The "official" subtraction fast fact test will be on Fri. 9/27. This will be a variety of addition fluency facts 0-12.  If they don't pass the fast fast graded review, they will retake the quiz each day the following week until Thurs.  and receive 1 point off the total grade for each retake. 

Have a great weekend! 
Mrs. Olsen