Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week of Oct. 11-15

Odds and Ends:

* Magazine Drive Pizza Lunch Winners! Thank you for participating in this years magazine drive. We had the greatest number of students participating in our class for the magazine drive-so we won a pizza party! Way to go! We will enjoy pizza, treats, and juice boxes compliments of the PTO on Tuesday, October 12th. If your child would not like to have pizza, please send them with a sack lunch or they can get hot lunch and enjoy it in our classroom. Thank you!

*Downers Grove Field Trip: A permission slip was sent home today about an upcoming field trip to Downers Grove on Tues. Nov. 9th. Please sign and return the slip no later than Fri. 10/29. Please email or call with any questions. I will contact the interested chaperon parents...first come, first serve! Thank you!

* Mon. 10/11: No School: Columbus Day

* Tues. 10/12: Pizza Luncheon Provided by the PTO

*Fri. 10/15: Spelling: List 7 Test
English: DOL #3 Quiz


*Reading: We start learning about cause and effect while reading the story, Cliff Hanger.
*Spelling: We are on list 7 this week: the long o sound. We will take a pretest on Tuesday. Homework will be sent home on Tuesday and due Friday. The test will be Friday.

*English: We will begin a new writing unit: descriptive writing.

*Science: We will begin a new unit: chapter 10: Space!

*Social Studies: We will continue to learn about the history of Downers Grove.

*Math: We will begin ch. 4: Subtraction. We will work with subtracting greater numbers, fact families, and subtracting across zeros. We will also begin our fast facts for subtraction. We will have two weeks of practice before they begin counting for a grade.

Thank you and enjoy the beautiful weather this long weekend!

Mrs. Olsen and Miss Galloway