Odds and Ends:
* Magazine Drive: Thank you for participating in this year's fundraiser! Our class was one of the top four classes at Prairieview School. Miss Galloway (our student teacher) and Peter Burrows got to compete against the other 3 top classes in our Mario Kart assembly on Friday. What fun!
* Box Tops: Please continue to turn in box tops for our school collection. You can turn them in at any time.
* Fri. 10/8: Spelling: List 6 Test
Nouns: Chapter 2 Test
Math: Chapter 3 Test and Addition Fast Fact Test
*Reading: We will continue to work on the comprehension strategy of making inferences.
*English: The students are working on ch. 2 nouns. We will tentatively take our test on Fri. Oct. 8th. A review guide will be sent home.
*Spelling: We are on list 6 this week: more long vowel words. We will take a pretest on Monday and homework will be sent home Monday. On Friday, homework packets are due and students will take the final test.
* Science: The students are busy learning about weather and clouds in lesson 3 of chapter 9.
*Social Studies: We will begin our next unit-Communities: History of Downers Grove! We will learn about the early days of Downers Grove. This will prepare us for our upcoming field trip to Downers Grove...more information coming soon!
*Math: We are working on ch. 3: addition. We are working on addition up to 4 digits with regrouping. Our test is tentatively scheduled for Friday, October 8th.
We are also working on our addition facts 0-18. We will continue to practice each day. On Friday, October 8th, the tests will count for a grade. On the first day, your child can earn 10 points if they get 100%. If they do not pass, they will retake the test on Monday. If they pass on Monday , they will earn 9/10 points. If they do not pass, they will retake the test on Tuesday for 8/10 points for a passing grade. We will continue this schedule of retaking until Friday, when they will earn a 6/10 regardless of passing or not.
Enjoy your fall weekend!
Mrs. Olsen and Miss Galloway