Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week of 10/15-10/19

Odds and Ends: 

*Scholastic Book Order: October book orders were sent home last week. The order will be due on 10/19. Earn free books for you AND the classroom by ordering safely on line.

* Conferences: Fall Conferences with your homeroom teacher are just around the corner (Mon. 10/29 and Tues. 10/30). If you have not signed up yet, please email or call me and I can find a conference time for you. I am looking forward to meeting with each of you as we discuss your child's progress thus far in 3rd grade.

*Magazine Drive: WOW! We were the top selling classroom at Prairieview School! Way to go! To celebrate our achievement, we will be awarded with a class pizza party (date to be announced) and a  lucky student (to be chosen randomly by the PTO) and I will be competing against the other top 3 classrooms playing Mario Cart on the Wii during an all school assembly on Fri. 10/19.


*Mon. 10/15: Spelling: List 8 pretest

*Wed. 10/17: Social Studies: Hemispheres Quiz

*Thurs. 10/18: Science: Ch. 9 Water Cycle and Weather Test

*Fri. 10/19: Spelling: List 8 test
Mario Kart assembly at 1:30

We made inferences about what is in Mrs.Olsen's Bag! 

*Reading: We will continue to use our text clues and schema (what we already know: background knowledge) as we make inferences while we read. We are working in book clubs as we read our good fit novels.

*English: We are working on descriptive writing. We are also working on DOL #3: Book titles and introductory words. A quiz will be announced soon!

Working hard on inferring about Mrs. Olsen. 
*Spelling: We will work on list 8. Pretest on Monday, homework due Thurs (all 3 assignments), and final test on Friday. Keep up the good work!

*Social Studies: We will be wrapping up our map unit. We will take the hemispheres quiz on Wed. We will begin our next unit: History of Downers Grove very soon!

*Science: We will be finishing up our study of ch. 9. The test will be on Thurs. 10/18. A study guide was sent home this week. Remember you can access the textbook online at Please contact me if you need the directions on how to access the textbook sent to you again.

*Math: We will begin ch. 4: subtraction next week. We will continue to problem solving using PAL (problem-answer-label). We will also begin our addition math facts. A note was sent home this week explaining our math facts. Please sign and return on Monday.

Have a beautiful fall weekend!
Mrs. Olsen