Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week of 11/12

Odds and Ends: 

*Conferences: It was great to meet with all of the parents during conferences this week. It is always wonderful to touch base about your child's progress. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to call or email at any time!

*Scholastic Book Order: A November book order has been sent home this week. All orders are due by Fri. 11/15. Please consider placing your order online to help us (and you!) earn free books! Thanks!

* Field Trip: Our Downers Grove field trip is set for Thurs. 11/14. I will be contacting chaperons soon. Please watch the weather forecast for Thurs. because we get off and on the bus and walk around outside, so students need to dress for the weather! I am looking forward to fun and educational day together!


*Fri. 11/8: No School

*Mon. 11/11: No School: Veteran's Day

*Wed. 11/13: Reading: Cliffhanger Vocab Quiz

*Thurs. 11/14: Downers Grove Field trip
No math

*Fri. 11/15: Spelling: List 11 Test
English: DOL #5 quiz: quotations
Scholastic Book Order Due
Word of the Day week 3 graded review (dinner plate words)


*Reading: We will continue to practice cause and effect and character inference as we discuss Cliffhanger. The students will have a vocab. quiz on the 6 vocabulary words in their binder for Cliffhanger on Wed. 11/13. We will also be working on non fiction text and novel studies in guided reading.

*English: We are working on nouns in a subject and plural nouns. We will begin our study of possessive nouns.  We will also practice quotations all week as we prepare for our DOL #5 quiz on Fri. 11/15 covering how to use quotations correctly.

*Spelling: We will work on list 11 this week. There will be only 2 homework assignments due to the shortened week due Thurs. The test will be Fri.

*Science: We will continue to learn about weather and clouds in ch. 9. Your child is writing a story from the point of view of a water droplet as it travels through the water cycle, types of water, clouds, and weather. What fun! A study guide was sent home this week. The ch. 9 test is scheduled for 11/20.

*Social Studies:  We are working on local government as we learn about modern day Downers Grove. We will be using ch. 12 from our textbooks as we learn about the roles and responsibilities of a local government.

*Math: The students are doing a great job learning the foundation of multiplication concepts! We have been busy learning about multiplication as equal groups, arrays, and repeated addition. We will continue to practice these skills and apply them to problem solving this week.

Enjoy your LONG weekends together!