Friday, November 22, 2013

Week of 11/25

Odds and Ends:

* Thanksgiving Break: We will have school Mon. -Tues. next week and then have Wed. - Fri. off as we celebrate Thanksgiving.

*Donations Needed: We are in need of prizes for our prize box as well as extra snacks (pretzels, juice boxes, gold fish crackers, etc) for snack. Thank you for considering donating some items to our classroom!

*Winter Coat Drive: We are collecting gently used coats and new winter accessories to be given to students in need. Please look through your closets for coats that you no longer wear or have outgrown and help another child or adult stay warm this winter season!


*Mon. 11/25: Roller Skating Party after school

*Tues. 11/26: English : Ch 2 Nouns test

*No School Wed-Fri.

* Mon. 12/2: Reading: November Reading Calendars due

*Wed. 12/4: Social Studies: Ch. 12 and Downers Grove test

*Fri. 12/6: Spelling: List 13 test


*Reading: The students are working hard as they work on a variety of reading strategies using their good fit book buddy books. We also began Time for Kids.

*English: We are wrapping up our unit on Nouns. A study packet was given to the students. Please use this to study for the test on Tues. 11/26. Students have been working hard on writing their raindrop stories. We used google docs to write our stories. Please have your child log on this weekend at home and help them correct their stories. They have off to a fabulous start and just need an extra set of eyes to adjust their sentences and stories a bit. Enjoy reading all about the adventures their raindrops go on! Thanks!

*Spelling: We will not have spelling next week. We will resume with list 13 following break.

*Social Studies: We invited Mr. Arnold to visit our room on Mon. to discuss his role as a community leader as we learn about local government and community leaders. We will finish up our ch. 12 and modern day Downers Grove unit. Look for a study guide coming home soon. The test is scheduled for Wed. 12/4.

*Science: We will begin our next unit on matter soon!

*Math: Students are exploring concepts in division as we learn about partitions, dividends, divisors, and quotients. We are learning how multiplication and division are related and how to make equal groups.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen