Saturday, April 26, 2008

Classroom Issue #30

Classroom News!
*Field Trip: We are going to the Field Museum on Monday, April 28th. This will be an all day field trip. Please send your child to school with comfortable walking shoes and either money for McDonald's lunch ($6) or a completely disposable sack lunch. This will be a great day of learning more about Egypt and Chicago! Thank you!
Upcoming Events:
*Mon. 4/28: Field Trip Museum
Spelling: List 29: Pretest
*Thurs. 5/1: Social Studies: Downers Grove/Chapter 12 Test
*Fri. 5/2: Spelling List 29 Test
*Math: We will continue to work in Chapter 11:Fractions and Decimals. We will look at comparing fractions and equivalent fractions. We will also focus on 7's division with a timed test on Friday.
*Reading: We are starting book clubs this week with mystery books. Your child will be in a book group reading a mystery book, focusing on the reading strategies we have been working on the whole year. I will be sending a note home about the program, which involves reading the book at home for 20 min each night. Thanks!
*English: We are working on pronouns as well as poetry. A poem will be sent home each Monday for your child to practice reading to improve their fluency skills. We will also learn about different types of poetry and write some of our own! We will also begin writing our pen pal letters to the 2nd graders at Elizabeth Ide school. They will come to our classroom at the end of May to visit with us!
*Science: We are starting our new unit, Space.
*Social Studies: We are finishing up our study of Downers Grove and Chapter 12. A study guide was sent home last week for the upcoming test on Thursday, May 1st. Please look in your child's social studies binder for some worksheets to help with studying.
*Spelling: We will work on List 29 this week. There will be a pretest on Monday and the final test on Friday.
Thank you for checking in this week! Enjoy your weekend!
~Miss Carlstrom

Friday, April 18, 2008

Classroom Issue #29

Odds and Ends
*Field Trip: We will be taking our Downers Grove field trip on Monday, April 21st. We will be making stops along the way where we will get off the bus to see some historic sites in town...please have your child dressed for the weather and walking! We will be having lunch at Giordano's, so please just send a healthy snack to school that day. Thanks!

*Earth Day: Earth Day is Tuesday, April 22nd. Here at Prairieview School we are going to celebrate this holiday by combining it with Character Counts and how we can do little things that have a BIG impact. A note was sent home today with information about what you can do each day next week.

*Open House: Thank you all so much for visiting our classroom at Open House. It was so great to see so many families and the students were so proud and excited to share their classroom and hard work! We all really appreciate your presence at this special event.


*Mon. 4/21: Downers Grove Field Trip

*Tues. 4/22: Miss Carlstrom's Math Class: Chapter 7 Test
Happy Earth Day!

*Wed. 4/23: Science: Ecosystems Test
Reading: Day 1 of Biography Presentations

*Thurs. 4/24: Early Dismissal: 11:00am
Reading: Day 2 Biography Presentations

*Fri. 4/25: Math: 6's Division Timed Test
Spelling: List 28 test

SPIRIT DAY: Decade Day: dress in clothes from your favorite decade....50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's....have fun!

*Math: We will be finished up with Chapter 7 on graphing and probability next week. The students will take the final chapter test on Tuesday, 4/22. Our next chapter will be on fractions and decimals. We will also work with 6's division next week. Please remember to review these facts each night.
*Science: The students did a great job presenting their animal habitat dioramas. They were very impressive and well done. We will keep them on display in our school for the next few weeks. We are finishing up our ecosystem unit. The final chapter test is on Wednesday, 4/23. A study guide was sent home this week. Our next unit is on Space.
*Social Studies: We will take our Downers Grove field trip on Monday, 4/21 as an extension of our DG unit. We have learned about the history, location, and government of Downers Grove. We will continue to talk about the government and recreation of DG next week.
*Reading: The students are busy working on their biography scrapbooks on their famous person. We will finish these early next week. The students will then dress up as their famous person and present their scrapbooks. The first round of presentations will take place Wed. 4/23. The second round of presentations will be Thurs. 4/24. The students need to dress up and/or bring props that are appropriate to their famous person. The schedule is as follows:


*English: Our expository unit is coming to an end. We will work with pronouns and poetry next.
*Spelling: Next week is list 28. There will not be a pretest due to the field trip. The final test will be on Friday, 4/25. This week's list contains words spelled with silent letters.

Thank you for checking in this week. Enjoy the weekend!!!!
Miss Carlstrom ; )

Friday, April 11, 2008

Classroom Issue #28

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

Odds and Ends

* Upcoming Field Trips: We will be taking our first spring field trip on Monday, April 21st to Downers Grove and Giordano's pizza. If you have not yet turned in your child's permission slip, please do so by Wed. 4/16 so I can place the pizza order. The cost for pizza is $7.

A permission slip was sent home today about another upcoming trip to the Field Museum in Chicago on Monday, April 28th. The cost for the field trip is $2. If your child wants McDonald's lunch on that day, please send them with $6...otherwise send a completely disposable lunch with them to school that day. We will be taking 5 parent chaperones. There is a spot on the permission slip to fill out if you are interested in joining us. This is on a first come, first serve basis, so please turn your permission slips in early! I will contact the 5 first parents.

*Egypt Unwrapped: I am still collecting money for this in school program. The cost is $4.50. Please send your money if you have not already. This will take place on May 7th. Thanks!

*Open House: Prairieview welcomes you and your family to our Spring Open House on Thurs. 4/17 from 6:45-8:30pm. Come to see your child's classroom and visit the book fair. Hope to see you there!

*Prize Box: Thank you again to the Rovella family for donating to our prize box! Donations always welcome!

*Lunch Tickets: Just a quick reminder about buying lunch tickets. Please purchase a weeks (or more) worth of tickets at one time. Monday is the best day to do this. Please send a check or cash in an envelope with your child's name, my name, and how many tickets you need. If you child needs to purchase one ticket the day of, please send them with the exact amount ( $2.25). If your child needs to borrow a ticket, they must pay for it the next school day. Thank you for your cooperation.


*Thurs. 4/17: Open House: 6:45-8:30...Come dressed in your favorite Chicago gear : )
Science: Animal Dioramas Due

*Fri. 4/18: My Math Class: 4's division timed test
Spelling: List 26 test (review week)

SPIRIT DAY: Fri. 4/18: Rock Band Day! Support your favorite musician!


*Math: The students have finished up their graphs that they worked on as a cooperative group. We enjoyed seeing each others graphs and answering the quizzes. Thank you for all of the hard work on your geometry projects. I am impressed!! They look awesome! We will continue to share these projects on Monday. We will continue with Chapter 7 next week. The final chapter test is scheduled for Tues. 4/22. We will also work on 4's division next week.

*Science: Most of the class is finished typing and illustrating their wonderful animal books. The animal diorama's are due Thurs. 4/17. We will be sharing them in class with a short (1-3 min) presentation. We will finish ecosystems this week. The final chapter test is scheduled for Wed. 4/23. More info. about the test will be sent home next week. Our next and final science unit will be SPACE!

*Social Studies: We Love Chicago! We are working on many fun and interesting activities about past and present Chicago. These projects will be on display for open house. The 3rd grade theme is CHICAGO, so your child and your family can come to open house in their favorite Chicago gear =) The teachers will be dressed for the part! Our next unit will be Downers Grove. We will focus on the history of Downers Grove so we have some background knowledge for our Monday, 4/21 field trip.

*Reading: We are continuing to work on biographies, as well as learn about each other as we work on some "autobiographical" activities. Your child should have chosen a famous person by now and almost be done with the book. The goal is to have the book completed by Monday so we can begin our in-class assignment. Your child will be receiving information about the next activity in class. The one part that they have to do at home is to come up with a costume and/or props for their famous person. During the week of April 21st, your child will need to dress up as their famous person and present the book we make in school to the class. What fun! More details coming next week...

*English: The students are still working on expository writing. They will be given a choice of prompts next week to write on for a grade.

*Spelling: Next week is a review week (list 26). Your child should be taking home their workbook each night to study the previous weeks rules. The lists and spelling rules they should focus on are 19-25. There will be no pretest, but a final review test will be on Friday.

Thank you for checking in this week. Have a great weekend!

~Miss Carlstrom

Friday, April 4, 2008

Classroom Issue #27

Odds and Ends

*Upcoming Field Trip: A permission slip was sent home today about an upcoming field trip to Downers Grove on Monday, April 21st. We will take a bus tour of the town, stopping at various historic locations that we learned about in class. We will also stop for lunch in downtown Downers Grove at Giordano's pizza. If any parents would like to meet us for lunch, you are more than welcome to join us there (it is on Main St.) between 11:00 and 11:15. The cost of lunch is $7 for your child. Please turn in the permission slip and money by Wed. April 16th. Thanks!

*Prize Box: Thank you to the Rovella family for donating prizes for the prize box. We can ALWAYS use any donations for the prize box. Thank you!

*Independent Reading Party: The reading party for the month of March will be on Thursday, April 10th. Your child can join us if they have read for 28 days for the month of March. Please turn in your folders by Wed. 4/9 to join our party.

Amazing Animals:

The students of Prairieview enjoyed a very exciting assembly this week. Amazing Animals came in our school. We got to see (and touch) an alligator, armadillo, boa constrictor, chinchilla, ferret, bearded dragon, and cat. How exciting! Thank you to the wonderful PTO for providing such an exciting assembly!


*Tues: 4/8: Social Studies: History of Chicago Quiz
Character Counts Assembly
*Fri. 4/11: Math: Geometry Projects Due (Miss Carlstrom's Math Class)
3's division timed test
Spelling: List 25 test

SPIRIT DAY: Take me out to the ball game! Baseball day is next Friday, 4/11. Show your baseball spirit and support your favorite team!


*Math: We started chapter 7 in math class, working with graphs. The students will learn the different parts of various types of graphs including bar graphs and pictographs. While working in cooperative groups, the students will be making their own bar graphs. We will work on 3's division next week. Also, the geometry project is due Friday, 4/11.

*Reading: We finished Stone Fox this week. The students really enjoyed this touching story about a boy and his dog. We watched the movie and compared the similarities and differences between both stories. We will begin our biography unit on Monday.
*English: The students are working in expository writing. We will continue this writing unit next week. Your child will be asking to bring in a photo of a special person next week for our writing assignment.

*Science: The class is learning about ecosystems. They will be working in groups to make a poster about different ecosystems and then "teach" the class about their particular ecosystem. Animal dioramas are due Thursday, 4/17.

*Social Studies: Sweet home Chicago! The students have been learning so much about Chicago's history this week. We talked a lot about the Great Chicago Fire and how the city was able to rebuild itself into one of the world's greatest cities. If you have a chance and are looking for something fun to do with the family, take your child to the Chicago History Museum. Your child will be able to see many of the things we have been learning about in class up close. The Chicago History quiz is scheduled for Tuesday, 4/8. A study guide was sent home this week. They can also use their crossword puzzle, journal, and fire graphic organizer to help them prepare.

*Spelling: This week we will focus on List 25, words spelling with igh. There will be a pretest on Monday and the final test on Friday.

Have a wonderful SPRING weekend! Enjoy the warm weather!
~Miss Carlstrom