Friday, November 17, 2017

Week of 11/20

Odds and Ends: 

Thank you to Mrs. Genovese, Mrs. Karchmar, and Mrs. Tomko for chaperoning our Downers Grove field trip. We enjoyed having you along as we explored Downers Grove's historic landmarks.

Today is the end of Trimester 1. What a wonderful first one-third of the year we’ve had!!  Grades will be finalized soon. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving break with your families. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Upcoming Events: 

Image result for image of a turkey

* Tues. 11/21: Spelling Test and 2 activities due 

*Wed. 11/2-Fri. 11/24: Thanksgiving Break: Enjoy the time with your family

A Look at Next Week: 

*Reading: We are continuing to study myths and context clues and sequencing. We will work on fluency and expression with readers theatre. 

*English: We are working on informational writing as we write about how to disguise a turkey. We will also write persuasive paragraphs to convince the farmers not to eat our turkeys. We will also be working with verbs. 

*Spelling: We will take our test on Tues. 11/21. Students need to complete 2 activities from their menu to turn in on Tues. 

*Science: We are busy learning about plants during our Mystery Science unit on the Power of Flowers. We will continue to learn about vegetables, fruits, and plants as we explore this unit. 

*Social Studies: We had a great field trip exploring all of the places we talked about in class. The students loved seeing the lessons come to life as we visited the historic landmarks around Downers Grove. 

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are learning many different, efficient strategies to add and subtract multi digit numbers. We will continue to focus on this skill next week. We will take a break from multiplication facts until after break, so please continue to practice all facts at home. Thank you!

I am thankful for all of you!

Mrs. Olsen 

Friday, November 10, 2017

Week of 11/13

Odds and Ends

Image result for downers groveThis week have have our Downers Grove field trip on Thurs. 11/16. Please have your child dress in layers because we do get out and walk around and we will spend some time playing at a park (weather dependent).  Wear a warm coat, hat and mittens/gloves, and good, warm, walking shoes. 


Image result for picture of fall trees*Wed. 11/15: Disguised Turkeys due

*Thurs. 11/16: Downers Grove Field Trip

*Fri. 11/17: End of 1st trimester
Math: 11's multiplication fast fact 


*Reading: We will continue our study of myths. We will also explore fluency and expression in readers theatre. We are working on sequencing, cause and effect, and context clues. 

*English: We will be learning more about verbs. We are also working on informational writing as we write "how-to" papers about our disguised turkeys. 

*Spelling: The students will be given a new word list on Mon. Due to the shortened holiday week the following week, 2 activities will be due 11/21. The test will be Tues. 11/21.

*Science: We began our first science unit using Mystery Science. This is very engaging and fun way to explore our science topics. We are doing the "Power of Flowers" and exploring the importance of bees and science fruits vs. science vegetables. 

* Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We will focus on double digit subtraction strategies and rounding to estimate. We are working on more efficient ways to subtract and use mental math. We will also focus on 11's multiplication facts. 

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Week of 11/6

Image result for fall leaves
Odds and Ends: 

Thank you to the wonderful parents who helped make our Halloween Party a "spook"-tacular time for all! Thank you to Mrs. Karchmar, Mrs. Dimitriou, Mr. and Mrs. Wawro, Mrs. Tomko, Mrs. Mottl, Mrs. Corpora, and Mrs. Free for helping donate supplies, plan the party, and help supervise the activities. 


Tues. 11/7: PE: Net Games Test

Fri. 11/10: Veteran's Day Assembly
Spelling: 2 activities due and test 
Math: 10's x facts 0-12 test 

Image result for greek myths for kids*Reading: We will continue our Tales as Old as Time unit as we focus on Myths. We will work on context clues to discover the meaning to new words and sequencing. We will also work on fluency and expression in reading as we do reader's theatre. 

*English: We will work on "how to" and informational writing as we write different Thanksgiving themed paragraphs. 

*Spelling: We are work on our 5th word list. Due to a short week last week and Halloween, the students only have to do 2 activities this list. Activities and test are due 11/10. 

* Science: We will begin our first Mystery Science unit: The Power of Flowers. We will study plants, fruits, and vegetables, and talk about how traits are passed down from generation to generation. 

*Social Studies: We will take a break from social studies for a bit. Our field trip to DG is 11/16, where students to visit many of the places discussed in class. 

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are working in unit 3: multi digit addition and subtraction. We will continue to focus on different strategies to help make these problems easier and focus on mental math strategies. We will also focus on 10's multiplication next week. The fast fact test on 10's facts 0-12 will be on Fri. 11/10. 

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen