Thursday, October 26, 2017

Week of 10/31

Odds and Ends: 
1. Our party will take place on Tuesday, October 31st. The room party will go from 1:00-1:50 p.m. Our Prairieview parade will begin at 1:55 p.m.

2. We only have 15 minutes for costume changes. Please make sure your child can change into his/her costume easily and by themselves. If the costume can be worn over their clothes, then both the time to change and the chances of losing any clothes is minimized.

3. If the costume involves make up, please apply it before your child comes to school. If you send your child in with make up, then your child has to be able to apply it themselves. 

4. Please do not send any weapons (guns, swords, etc.) as part of the costume. Save those for trick-or-treating.

5. We will not have time to change back into our clothes for dismissal. Your child will wear their costume home.


Fri. 10/27 and Mon. 10/30: No School

Tues. 10/31: Happy Halloween!

Fri. 11/2: Social Studies: Downers Grove History Test
Math: 5's x test
Image result for old pictures of downers grove il


*Reading: We will work on cause and effect and sequencing in guided reading groups.  We are working in book groups in WIN.

*Spelling: We will start a new word sort this week. The test and 3 menu activities will be due on 11/10.

*English: We are working on descriptive and persuasive writing as we finish up our haunted house paper.  We are also working on nouns (possessive, plural, and abstract nouns).

* Social Studies: We are wrapping up our Downers Grove History unit. A study guide was sent home this week for the quiz on Fri. 11/2. A great way to study is to re read and review the Downers Grove packet storied in your child's Social Studies folder in their binder. We will play a review game in class next week as well.

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are beginning a new unit, Unit 3: Multi Digit Addition and Subtraction. We will also continue to work on fast facts for multiplication, focusing on our 5's facts. A graded, timed test will be given on Fri. 11/2 on 5's facts. Next up will be 10's facts. I went over some good study strategies for multiplication facts this week: ask your child about some of the fun ways they can practice.

Have a great, LONG weekend as we get ready for Halloween!
Image result for image of halloween
Mrs. Olsen

Friday, October 20, 2017

Week of 10/23

Odds and Ends: 

Conferences will continue next week. I am looking forward to meeting with you. When you arrive for your scheduled appt., please knock on the door or peek in at your start time so I can stay on schedule. The 15 minute blocks can pass quickly, so it helps if you keep me on track! Thank you!

1. Our party will take place on Tuesday, October 31st. The room party will go from 1:00-1:50 p.m. Our Prairieview parade will begin at 1:55 p.m.
Image result for jack o lantern clip art

2. We only have 15 minutes for costume changes. Please make sure your child can change into his/her costume easily and by themselves. If the costume can be worn over their clothes, then both the time to change and the chances of losing any clothes is minimized.

3. If the costume involves make up, please apply it before your child comes to school. If you send your child in with make up, then your child has to be able to apply it themselves. 

4. Please do not send any weapons (guns, swords, etc.) as part of the costume. Save those for trick-or-treating.

5. We will not have time to change back into our clothes for dismissal. Your child will wear their costume home.


*Wed. 10/25: Math: Unit 2 Test

*Thurs. 10/26: Spelling test and homework due

*Fri. 10/27 and Mon. 10/30: No School

*Tues. 10/31: Halloween Classroom Parties and Parade


*Reading: We will continue to explore theme, main idea, cause and effect, and context clues as we read a variety of texts. 

Image result for image of haunted house clip art*Spelling: 3 activities and test will be due on Thurs. 10/26. Please check in with your child to make sure they are on track with their spelling activities. A good goal would be to have 2 completed and one more to work on next week. 

*English: We are working on descriptive writing and putting all we have learned about sensory words, color words, adjectives, and similes to work as we write a descriptive and persuasive paper about a haunted house. 

* Social Sciences: We are busy learning about the history of Downers Grove. Ask your child what they know about Pierce Downer, the Potowatomi Tribe, and Chief Waubonsee and Black Hawk. 

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are busy learning about multiplication and different strategies to help us solve multiplication problems. A practice test/study guide was sent home yesterday and is due Tues. The test will be on Wed. 10/26.  We will continue to review and practice in class. We will do some Halloween themed math activities and then start Unit 3: Multi-digit Addition and Subtraction.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen  

Friday, October 13, 2017

Week of 10/16

Odds and Ends: 
Image result for image of parent teacher conference
Conferences: Hopefully you received an email containing a link to sign up for Fall Conferences. If not, please let me know. I am looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress and goals. Thanks! 

1. Our party will take place on Tuesday, October 31st. The room party will go from 1:00-1:50 p.m. Our Prairieview parade will begin at 1:55 p.m.

2. We only have 15 minutes for costume changes. Please make sure your child can change into his/her costume easily and by themselves. If the costume can be worn over their clothes, then both the time to change and the chances of losing any clothes is minimized.

3. If the costume involves make up, please apply it before your child comes to school. If you send your child in with make up, then your child has to be able to apply it themselves. 

4. Please do not send any weapons (guns, swords, etc.) as part of the costume. Save those for trick-or-treating.

5. We will not have time to change back into our clothes for dismissal. Your child will wear their costume home.


*10/20: Math: Subtraction Fast Facts
Downers Grove permission slips due


*Reading: We will continue to work on Unit 1 as we focus on theme, main idea, and cause and effect. We are working on finding the text evidence to support our answers and thinking. 

*Spelling: We will work on our new word lists. The list and menu will be sent home on Monday. The test and 3 spelling activities will be due on Thurs. 10/26. 

*English: We are continuing our descriptive writing unit- Halloween and fall are a great time of year to practicing using interesting adjectives to describe things! We will work on a persuasive writing activity where we describe a haunted house. We will work with color words, sensory words, and similes.  We are also learning about adjectives and nouns. 

*Social Sciences: We are continuing our unit of study on the history of Downers Grove. Thank you for those of you who have turned in the permission slips. They are due by Fri. 10/20. As soon as I have all of the slips turned in,  I will choose the chaperons. We have a lot of interested parents, which is great, but I will have to select names from a hat to be fair. I will keep you posted!

We are also practicing our phone numbers and addresses. I will send home a form on Monday for you to help your child complete. I will be "quizzing" students on this information late next week and early the following week, so please have your child memorize and practice this important information. Thanks! 

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are busy working on multiplication, focusing on arrays and strategies to solve equations.  The test is tentatively scheduled for Wed. 10/25.  A study test will be sent home next week. We will also focus on subtraction fast facts next week. Your child should be ready to pass them by Fri. 10/20.  After they pass, they will move onto multiplication, starting with 2's, then 5's, 10's, 3's, 4's, 6's, 7's, 8's, 9's, 11's, and 12's. Look in their assignment notebook to see what fact your child should be practicing. Don't forget to use Xtra Math to help practice fact fluency. 

Image result for image of cubsHave a beautiful weekend and GO CUBBIES!!!!!

Mrs. Olsen

Friday, October 6, 2017

Week 10/10

Odds and Ends: 

We are halfway through the first trimester! It is hard to believe! We had our first Panther PRIDE awards today and Ana S. won the Empathy Award. We are so proud of each of our students this year! Way to go! 

Parent Teacher Conferences: 

An email containing a link to Sign Up Genius will be sent home on Tues. 10/10 for Fall Conferences. I am looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress so far in 3rd grade!


*Mon. 10/9: No School 

*Fri. 10/13: Spelling: List 3 test and 3 spelling activities due


*Reading:  We will continue our unit on Folktales. We are exploring theme and main idea, as well as continuing to use text evidence for character traits. 

*Spelling: We are in week 2 of our current list. Some students have already completed all 3 assignments. Please check in with your child to see what they have finished. All 3 activities are due 10/13.  They should select one activity from each column of the spelling menu. 

*English: We are learning and adjectives and nouns. We will continue to work on writing as we focus on descriptive writing.

Image result for image of downers grove*Social Sciences: We began our unit on the history of Downers Grove. We will be learning all about the history of our town as we prepare for a field trip coming up in Nov. More details to come soon!

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are focusing on multiplication. We will work on connecting repeated addition to multiplication and different ways we can show our thinking. 

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen