Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week of 11/21 and 11/28

Odds and Ends:

I wish you all a relaxing, fun, and happy Thanksgiving break and holiday!
We all have so much to be thankful for.
I am especially thankful for the fabulous students that I am lucky enough to teach this year! Enjoy your friends, feast, and family this holiday season!

*Thank you to Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Franchi, Mrs. Moy, Mrs. Veselak, Mrs. Cibulka, and Mrs. Messina for chaperoning our Downers Grove Field trip! Despite the chilly weather, we had a very educational and fun day!

* Conferences: An email was sent regarding conference times and dates. If you have not received your conference time, please email me to confirm if the time is still good for your schedule. I am looking forward to meeting with you all to discuss your child's progress in 3rd grade so far! Please remember the conferences last 15 minutes and are back to back, so please try your best to be on time! Thank you!

*Scholastic Book Order: Book order was due today, Fri. 11/18. Please let me know via email if you have a last minute order and I can add it to the order. Thank you!

*Classroom Volunteers: I am looking for additional parent helpers to come in and use a computer to look up books and then label our classroom books with a Lexile score. Please email me for additional details! Thank you!!


*Tues. 11/22: Part/Whole Analogies Quiz

*Wed. 11/23- Fri. 11/ 25: No School: Happy Turkey Day!

* Mon. 11/28- Wed. 11/30: Conferences: Please review emailed schedule for time and date.

* Tues. 11/29: Math: Ch. 5 Money checkpoint

*Thurs. 12/1: Spelling: list 9 test

*Fri. 12/2: No School


*Reading: We will focus on character traits and problem solution next week. Beginning 11/28, we will begin to focus on author's purpose and point of view.

*English: We will work on creative writing as we write a short story about Thanksgiving from the turkey's point of view. We will also be starting ch 3. verbs when we return from break.

*Spelling: We will begin list 9 on 11/28. The graded test and homework will due Thurs. 12/1.

*Science: We will continue to work on ch. 11: matter.

*Social Studies: We have finished our Downers Grove history unit. We will focus on present day Downers Grove and ch. 12 on local government.

*Math: We will continue to focus on ch. 5: money. We will take a money checkpoint on Tues. 11/29 and then move onto the second half of ch. 5: Time. Look for a note about our next multiplication facts coming home before break. Thanks for all of your hard work studying the facts. Did your child share their "multiplication" I-pod with you? We will "download" new songs (facts) each week to study and learn! What fun!!

Thanks for checking out our blog this week!
Happy Turkey Day!
Mrs. Olsen

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week of 11/14

Odds and Ends:

*Scholastic Book Order: November book order is due Fri. 11/18. Your online book orders help the classroom earn free books...THANK YOU!

*Downers Grove Field Trip: We are set to go Thurs. Nov. 17th. Please remember to send your child with $5-8 on the day of the trip for downtown DG shopping if you would like to. Watch the weather forecast for the day and dress appropriately! We will walking around outside!

*Conferences: The fall conferences will be held the week after Thanksgiving break for homeroom parents. I sent out an email with the dates and times of the conferences. Please let me know if you have not received this conference confirmation email. Thank you! I am looking forward to meeting with you all to discuss your child's progress.


*Fri. 11/11: No school: Veterans Day

*Tues. 11/15: Synonym/Antonym Test

*Wed. 11/16: Social Studies: History of DG review
English: Ch 2 Nouns test
Storyteller Assembly

*Thurs. 11/17: Downers Grove Field Trip

*Fri. 11/18: Math: 5's multiplication test


*Reading: We will continue to look at character traits, identify problems and solutions, and predict, summarize, and make inferences we read our good fit book buddy books! We are will also continue to work on synonym and antonym analogies. The quiz will be on Tues. 11/15. Then we will begin part/whole analogies.

*English: We are completing our ch. 2 nouns unit. We will take the test on Wed. 11/16. Look for a study guide coming home Monday.

*Spelling: There is no spelling this week.

*Science: We are working on ch.11: Matter. Please ask your child about the objects they need for the physical properties posters we will be making.

*Social Studies: We are finishing up our history portion of our Downers Grove unit. We will have a short graded review on Wed. 11/16. Then we will begin to study modern day Downers Grove.

*Math: We are beginning ch. 5: money and time. Please look in your child's binder for a note about what coins they should bring to school to help us practice counting out change. We will also work on 5's this week in multiplication: only 4 new facts to memorize this week!

Have a wonderful, long weekend!

Mrs. Olsen

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week of 11/7

Odds and Ends

*Downers Grove Field Trip: We are all set to go on Thurs. 11/17. I will be contacting those parents who I will need as chaperons. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered! I wish I could invite you all, but if you are not contacted by me either by email or phone, you can always meet us for lunch at Giordano's.

*Scholastic Book Order: November book order is due 11/18. Thank you for ordering each month...we are earning books for our classroom library with each online order!


*Thurs. 11/10: Math: 2's multiplication quiz

*Fri. 11/11: No School: Veterans Day


*Reading: We will be focusing on story elements (plot, setting, problem/solution) and character traits as we read a variety of literature and novels.

*English: We started our new unit: ch 2: Nouns. Please look for your child's pretest and learning contract in their English folder to see what skills we will focus on this unit.

*Spelling: We will take a break from the traditional list for the next few weeks as we focus on analogies. We will begin with synonym/antonym analogies and then move to part/whole analogies. There will be a quiz on each type of analogy to be announced. Look in your child's assignment notebook to see when the quiz will take place.

*Science: We began ch 11: Matter.

*Social Studies: We are busy learning about the history of Downers Grove. We have learned about the early settlers in this area and will learn about how the town grew into what we know today.

*Math: We will be working on problem solving this week. We will focus on the strategy of making a table to solve the problem. We will also introduce writing t-charts, where the students writes what they did and why they did it to solve the problem. We will also start a new week of multiplication: the two's! Look for a note coming home with the facts your child will need to memorize this week.

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Olsen