Friday, May 31, 2019

Week of 6/3

Dear Families of 3rd graders, Image result for thank you

I can't even believe the end of the year is here! I can remember meeting all of you at the open house back in August and it's amazing how quickly the year goes by! Your child has grown by leaps and bounds and I am so honored to be able to to be part of their 3rd grade year. I hope you all have a summer full of fun, playing, learning, and family and friend time. Please stop by and visit me in the future! I love to see former students and catch up on all they are doing! Thank you for a great year together! 

Thank you~ Thank you to the parents who were able to attend our zoo field trip! It was a great day and the weather cooperated, so we didn't have to worry about the rain. The students loved seeing the gorillas and the other animals. 


Mon. 6/3: Favorite Vacation/Summer shirt

Tues. 6/4: Field day! Wear sunglasses and hat day! 

Wed. 6/5: FINAL DAY of 3rd grade. Bring a fancy pen to sign autographs. 

Image result for image of sunHAPPY SUMMER!!!!

What We've Been Learning!

*ELA: We did a final argumentative paper on the pros or cons of zoos. We did research on our opinion and then put the facts into a paper. We will share these papers as we finish them today and Monday. 

*Social Studies: We have been learning so much about Ancient Egypt. Look from some cool projects coming home! 
Image result for happy summer image

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We spent the last few days exploring greater number multiplication. We will work on some more multiplication and division. Our last day of math is Monday. 

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Week of 5/20

Odds and Ends: 

Thank you to all of the Brookfield Zoo volunteers. If you haven't turned in your permission slip yet, please send it in so your children can join us on this fun field trip. 


* Thurs. 5/23: Math: 12's division test

Image result for image of brookfield zoo* Fri. 5/24: Brookfield Zoo Field Trip: dress for walking and for the weather. Pack a disposable sack lunch!


*Reading: We are working on making inferences, specifically character inferences.

*Spelling: We will be starting our last spelling word sort for the year! Our last spelling homework and test will be due Fri. 5/31. 

Image result for image of egypt* Social Studies: We will begin a short unit on Ancient Egypt. We will be learning about a fascinating part of our world's history as we review main idea and details, sequencing, recalling facts, and making inferences. 

* Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We will finish up our "fast facts" as we work on 12's division this week. We will take the test on Thurs. 5/23. We will work on greater number multiplication and division and fractions. 

Enjoy the warm weather this weekend!
Mrs. Olsen 

Friday, May 10, 2019

week of 5/13

Odds and Ends:

We are approaching the end of the year! How can it be?!?!  The students have been busy working on MAPs testing. We will take the MAPs Math test on Monday. We will also take our end of the year benchmark tests in reading and math next week.

Image result for image of brookfield zoo*Brookfield Zoo Field Trip: Thank you for sending back in permission slips for our upcoming Brookfield Zoo trip on Fri. 5/24. Please send them in by Fri. 5/17 if you already haven't done so. I will be selecting chaperones soon and emailing anyone who showed interested if they were chosen or not.


*Fri. 5/17: Early Dismissal
Spelling: test and activities due
Math: 9's division test


Image result for image of ancient egypt*Reading: We will focus on character and story inferences this week. We will learn more about what an inference is and apply it to the characters in  The One and Only Ivan.

*Spelling: We will continue to work with the same words this week. 3 activities and the test will be on Fri. 5/17.

*Social Studies: We will wrap up our unit on Chicago with group presentations put on the by the students who will be resident teachers on their area.  We will then begin a unit on Ancient Egypt.

*Mrs.Olsen's Math Class: We will begin Unit 7 next week. This will focus on greater number multiplication and division. We will also focus on 9's division this week with a test on Fri. 5/17.

Image result for image of mother's dayHave a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

Mrs. Olsen

Friday, May 3, 2019

Week of 5/6

Image result for image of sunshineOdds and Ends: 

MAY! What a year! We are nearing the end of 3rd grade which is so hard to believe!


*Fri. 5/10: Math Unit 6 test and 8's division test

Social Studies: Chicago Quiz #3


*Reading: We will continue to focus on point of view and context clues. We are finishing up The One and Only Ivan. We will also work on a persuasive writing paper. We are starting our Friendly Letter writing unit as well. 

*Spelling: A new word list will be sent home Monday. 3 activities and test will be due on Fri. 5/17. 

*Social Studies: Students are working in cooperative groups to "become the teachers" as they prepare presentations on the last sections of the Chicago book. A study guide was sent home today for our final Chicago Quiz on Fri. 5/10. If your child completes the study guide, they can use it for the quiz on Fri. 

* Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are spending time focusing on area and perimeter. It is so important to remember to add labels to our answers! We are working on finding the area to irregular shapes and how we can break the shape apart to smaller shapes, find their areas, and then add them back together to final the total area. We are focusing on using the formula length  x width = area. We will focus on 8's division this week with a test on Fri. The Unit 6 test is also on Friday. 

Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine ! (Finally!!)

Mrs. Olsen