Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Winter Break

Wishing you each a very merry holiday season and a wonderful new year! From my family to yours, I wish you a season full of magic, laughter, and love! 


Enjoy the holiday season with your family and friends. See you in 2019!

*Mon. 1/7: Classes Resume!

*Fri. 1/11: Math: 3's fast facts test


*Reading: We will work on culture and tradition as we explore traditions around loosing teeth and what kids do around the world when they loose a tooth. We will do an informative writing piece on what animal teeth we would want to have and why. 

*Spelling: A new spelling sort will be sent home on Mon. 1/7. The 3 activities and test will be on Fri. 1/18. 

* ELA: We will begin a unit on verbs. 

* Science: We will continue our work on Amplify Science as we continue to explore magnets and force. 

*Mrs. Olsen's Math: We will begin Unit 4, focusing on measurement and telling time. We will also work on 3's multiplication fast facts, with the test on Fri. 1/11. Please continue to practice multiplication (and division) facts over the break!

Have a great break!
Mrs. Olsen 

Friday, December 14, 2018

Week of 12/17

Odds and Ends: 

WOW! It's hard to believe that winter break is almost here! We have a lot of fun and learning planned for next week!

Image result for image of christmas treeUPCOMING EVENTS: 

*Tues. 12/18: Elf movie field trip
Holiday Concert : 12:50

*Wed. 12/19: Math: Unit 2 Test
PE: Bowling test

*Thurs. 12/20: Spelling: Test and 3 activities due

*Fri. 12/21: Bowling: AM
Movie party: PM

Happy Holidays!


*ELA: We will work on cultures and traditions as we continue to discuss the Keeping Quilt. We will share our own special family traditions. We will also do a close reading of the old story, "T'was the Night Before Christmas".  We will continue to work on possessive nouns. 

Image result for image of snowflake

*Spelling: We will work on spelling this week, with the test and 3 activities due on Thurs. 

* Science: We are exploring magnetic forces and how non-touching forces work in class. We will continue to discuss our investigations and read a story about non-touching magnetic forces. 

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: A study guide/practice test was sent home this week. It is due on Monday. We will spend Monday reviewing for the test on Wed. 12/20. We do not have math on Tuesday due to the field trip. There will be no multiplication fact tests this week, but please continue to practice the facts. We will pick up with 11's test when we return from break. Then we test in the following order: 3's, 4's, 6's, 7's, 8's, 9's, and 12's. Thank you!

Have a great weekend! 
Mrs. Olsen