Monday, June 8, 2015

End of the Year

It's hard to believe the end of the year is already here! Thank you all for an amazing year of learning together. I will miss each of you and hope you come visit me next fall! Enjoy your summer vacation and remember to read every day! 

We compiled our favorite memories from this year and the upcoming summer and school year for our last blog post. We went to the lab and students practiced typing quotes. Enjoy!

“The best part in 3rd grade was we made new friends from the first day to the last day of school," 
said Ben .

“Next year I will miss Mrs. Olsen , Declan and Liam,” said Alana.

“This summer I can’t wait to go to Cyprus Cove and swim and play with my friend, ” said Cherlys Parish.

“The best part of third grade was the first day,” said Claire.

“My favorite memory of 3rd grade was when we went bowling with the 3rd grade classes,” said Gayathri.

“My favorite memory of third grade was when we went to the Tivoli for a movie,”  said Bella.

“My favorite memory of 3rd grade was Limo Lunch with Mr. Pagel,” said Lauren.

“My favorite part of 3rd grade was going to the Tivoli,” said Evi.

“My favorite part of third grade was when we went to the Tivoli Theatre, and having Mrs.Olsen as a teacher,” said Reese.

“My favorite memory of 3rd grade was when we went to Downers Grove," said Richard.

Sabrina said, “My favorite thing about third grade was having Mrs.Olsen as a teacher.”

“My favorite part of third grade was having Mrs.Olsen as a teacher,” said Seema.

“I’ll miss Mrs.Olsen so much from all the things we’ve done, " sadly said Tyler.

"My favorite thing was the Downers Grove field trip, " said Vilius.

“My favorite 3rd grade thing is Miss.Olsen saying she is going to have a baby,” said Eric R.

“ My favorite part of third grade was everything!” said Zachary.

Drew said, ‘’My favorite part of third grade is when I won the pride awards.’’

“I want to go on vacation,” said Eric Kenyeri.  

Lucas said, “I am looking forward to going to Canada over the summer”.

“My favorite memory is when Mrs. Olsen told us that she was going to have a baby," said Kelly.