Friday, October 26, 2007

Classroom Issue #8

Odds and Ends

*Halloween!! We will begin the day by going to Robert Crown (without costumes) and then come back for lunch. After eating, we will change into our costumes for our school wide parade and the come back into the room for our party. Our classroom party will be on Wednesday, October 31st at 1:30-2:20. We will have our whole school parade from 1:15-1:30 outside (weather permitting). Any parents who have been contacted to help at our party should arrive no earlier than 1:15. Thank you in advance to all of the parents who are planning our party!

If your child would like to dress up at school, please send their costume with them in a large bag labeled with their first and last name. There are some guidelines to follow when choosing a costume:

1. Please make sure your child can change into his/her costume easily and by themselves. We allow about 15 minutes for costume changes. It is best if the costume can go over their clothes to reduce the time to change and the chances of losing any clothes!
2. Make up can be used, but please do not send your child with it on that morning. There will be no extra adults around to help with make-up, so your child has to be able to apply it themselves. 3. Please no weapons. Save those for trick-or-treating.
4. Your child will wear their costume home. We do not change back into our clothes for dimissal due to time contraints.

*SMILE (again!) =) Photo Retakes will take place on Tuesday, October 30th. If your child needs retakes please send them with their original pictures. If your child missed the original picture day, please send your order forms on Tuesday. Thank you!

*Classroom Donations Needed:
Our classroom is in need of the following items.
*Disposable Cameras
*Film for camera
*Prizes for boys and girls for prize box (pencils, toys, etc.)

Upcoming Events:
*Mon. 10/29: No School: Teacher Institute...Enjoy the long weekend!
*Tues. 10/30: Photo Retakes
*Wed. 10/31: Happy Halloween! Robert Crown Field Trip 9-11:30
Halloween Parade: 1:15-1:30
Classroom Party: 1:30-2:20
*Thurs. 11/1: English: DOL #4 Review
*Fri. 11/2: Spelling Test
Spirit Day: Character Counts: We are CARING this month: Please wear RED =)

*Math: We have completed chapter 1 from our textbooks. The tests will be sent home next week. We will start our next unit, Make-a-Table problem solving next week. This unit focuses on a problem solving skill as we introduce the students to t-charts. T-charts require students to solve a problem and then write what they did and why. They are a skill used on the ISAT test in March. We will continue to cover this higher level skill through out the year. I will send home a "how-to" t-chart packet next week that you can use to practice with your child and help them understand this often difficult concept. Each night sample problems and t-charts will be sent home to help complete the homework. Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation!

*Science: We are continuing to learn about germs and will begin learning about harmful and helpful drugs next week. Our human body and health unit will be reviewed at Robert Crown on Wednesday. Your child will be receiving a study guide on Tuesday that will be due on Friday. The test is scheduled for Tuesday, 11/6. Look for a note coming home about Health Fest next week.

*Social Studies: We are busy learning about various US communities. We learned about El Paso and started making our own brochures highlighting the geopgraphy, history, and community life of different US cities. If your child is doing a city other than El Paso, there is some extra research that should be done at home. I sent home a tradebook on the city that your child can read and choose facts from to include in their brochures. We will work on these again in class on Tues. Depending on the students progress, they may receive another day to work on them in class or they may be sent home to be finished. Look in their assignment notebooks to find out when they are due. Please have your child refer to their rubric when creating their brochure to make sure they include all of the necessary parts. Your child may print photos from the internet of their city if you would like. Thanks!

*Spelling: This week we will take a break from the spelling book due to the shortened week and Halloween party and do a Halloween word list. The list will be sent home on Tuesday and we will do various activities throughout the week. The final test will be on Friday.

*Reading: The students did a great job on their "book commercials" today and I think they encouraged their classmates to read many different books. The posters looked great. I handed out the next project, which will be due Friday, December 14th. This project is working with a non-fiction book. The students will need to create a new book cover, listing 3 facts on the inside, and a summary of the book on the back. I will provide the paper necessary for the project. I will be approving books next week. Please look in their binder for a detailed assignment sheet. We will work in various word analysis, fluency, and comprehension skills next week.

*English: Nouns and more nouns! We are continuing to work with nouns, focusing on plural nouns and possessive nouns in the upcoming days. Our final test is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, 11/8. A study guide will be sent home before the test. Your child can expect a graded review of nouns (common/proper, nouns in a subject, plural) next week.

Have a wonderful, long weekend and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
~Miss Carlstrom