Friday, February 22, 2008

Classroom Issue 22

Odds and Ends

*Spring Pictures: We will have our spring pictures taken on Thursday, Feb. 28th. No order forms are needed and each child will have their picture taken. In a few weeks, the actual pictures and an order form will be sent home for ordering. Thank you!

*Independent Reading Project: The book mobiles are due Wed. 2/27. The mobile should be made about the book your child chose in January (either Animal Fiction or Mystery). We are looking forward to sharing and seeing each others mobiles. If your child needs paper or string, please let me know. Thanks!
*Spring Conferences: A note was sent home today with your child regarding spring conferences. The spring conferences are held on an as needed basis, so I will not be meeting with all parents. You can request a conference (in school or phone) or I may request the conference. Please return the note with your preference by Wed. 2/27. I will be sending home your scheduled conference time later in the week. Conferences will be held Mon 3/10-Wed. 3/12. Thanks for your cooperation!

Upcoming Events:

*Wed. 2/27: Book Mobiles are Due!

*Thurs. 2/28: Spring Picture Day: SMILE =)

*Fri. 2/29: Spelling: Prefix/Suffix Test
Science: Animal Test

SPIRIT DAY: Backwards Shirt Day


* Math: We are continuing to work on geometry concepts. We will cover area, perimeter, volume, and space figures this week. We will also be working on problem solving and t-charts. The students are doing a great job with mixed multiplication! The students will have a practice multiplication timed test Mon.-Thurs. I will be taking them for a grade on Friday 2/29.

*Reading: The students are doing a great job on their "hamburger" extended responses. What smart thinkers and writers! We will continue to practice our extended response as we prepare for the ISAT test (the week of March 10th). We are also starting a new novel, Stone Fox.

*English: We will continue adjectives this week.

*Science: Our animal unit is coming to an end. Students received a study guide this week with an attribute chart attached. We will go over the chart and review for the test on Thurs. 2/28. The test will be on Fri. 2/29. Students will be writing a report on their animal of choice the following week, so please help your child to decide on what animal they would like to research and eventually make a habitat diorama for.

*Social Studies: We started our map unit this week. This is a fun unit that the students LOVE! As they learn about scales, keys, and coordinates, they will be making their very own towns. This is a fun way to apply all that we are learning about maps!

*Spelling: We will take a break from the traditional spelling list as we focus on prefixes, suffixes, and root words. We will be doing a variety of practice sheets and activities in class, so please use those sheets to study each night. Your child will be storing them in the spelling section of their binder. There will be a graded review covering this material on Friday. This unit will be in place of the regular spelling unit this week.

Thank you for checking out this week's newsletter. Have a great weekend and

~Miss Carlstrom