Friday, October 24, 2008

October 27-31

Odds and Ends

*HALLOWEEN is on Friday. We will be going to Robert Crown in the morning. We will miss our lunch period, so we'll be eating lunch in our classrooms. Please send your child a lunch that day. Students should bring their costumes to school in a bag with their name labeled on it. Try to have them dress so that their costume can go over their clothes and little makeup. We will be changing in our classrooms. Boys and girls will be in different classrooms. They will not be allowed to go to the bathroom to change. Please save guns, swords, knives, and other weapons for trick-or-treating at home. They are not appropriate for school. Parents who are running the party can come by 1:15. Our school parade begins at 1:15. The party will begin at 1:30 and end at 2:15. Students will be sent home in their costumes.

*Classroom Donations: We are still in need of the following items:
-healthy snacks (goldfish crackers, pretzels, NUT free snacks please!)
-disposable cameras and film
Thank you to those of you who have donated to our classroom. It is very appreciated!


*Tues. 10/28: Math: Chapter 3 Test

*Thurs. 10/29: Reading: Seal Surfer Vocab Quiz
Spelling: List 8 Test and Spelling workbook pages due

*Fri. 10/31: Happy Halloween AM: Robert Crown Field Trip
PM: Halloween Party

*FOR THE FUTURE: Picture Retakes: Nov. 6th


Mrs. Olsen's Language Arts Class

*Reading: We are working on comparing and constrasting different characers, settings, and parts of a story as we read Seal Surfer. We will have our vocab quiz on Thurs. 10/30. The next story is Cliffhanger, which will guide us as we learn about cause and effect. The first book project is due Wed. 10/29...fiction: advertise-a-book poster.

*English: We are working on descriptive writing. So far we have covered:
*vivid details
Next UP:
*color words
*sensory details
*SUPER sentence starters

*Spelling: This week we will work on list 8, a review week. A review week is when we revisit all of the spelling rules from the previous 7 weeks. There will be no pretest and no spelling list sent home to study from. The students should study the spelling rules from list 1-7 to prepare.
Workbook pages will be assigned to the students on Monday and will be due on THURSDAY. The final test will be THURSDAY due to the field trip and party on Friday.

Mrs. Olsen's Science and Social Studies Class:

*Science: We are continuing to work on our health unit. We have talked about:
* the food pyramid
*ways to keep our body healthy

*ways to prevent spreading germs
Next up:
*drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use

*Social Studies:

We began to talk about the modern day aspects of Downers Grove. We will now focus on DG government, as well as local government. This week your child learned that these 4 services are provided by the local government:
Recreation, Education, Transportation, and Safety/Security.
We will continue with this next week, learning about the different officials in a local government.

Mrs. Olsen's Math Class

*Math: We are busy working on addition with greater numbers and estimating sums. I am so proud of all of the students for passing addition fast facts! Way to go! We will begin practicing subtraction facts next week. We are finishing chap 3 early next week.
The test is on Tues. 10/28. The following will be covered on the test:
* adding 2, 3, 4. and 5 digit numbers
*estimating sums
*finding missing addends
* adding 3 or more numbers
*addition problem solving using PAL

Next up...chapter 4 subtraction!

Thank you for checking in this week. Together, we can make this a successful year for all!

~Mrs. Olsen