Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 24-28

Odds and End

*Character Counts Gives Back! The Prairiview staff and students have a yearly tradition of giving back to the community at this time of year when we have so much to be thankful for. A note was sent home this week about our service project (on pink paper) As a class, we have "adopted" a family who has a child with cancer. Due to financial struggles and spending the holidays at the hospital, we are going to help to make their holidays special. Here are the ages of our family:

9 year old boy (cancer patient)

11 year old girl

7 year old boy

7 month old boy



Please send any new, wrapped items (labeled with a sticky note with the name or age of person the gift is for and what it is). We will then collect the items in the classroom and it will be delivered to the family before the holidays. I will keep items we receive posted so we can see what family member needs what and to avoid doubles.

Also, we are sponsoring a local service called Family Services. This is a safe haven for families of domestic violence. Please send in any new coats, hats, mittens, or toys UNWRAPPED to school. We will then deliver them to the center where the items will be used in the Holiday Shoppe where parents can shop, free of charge, to help make their children's holidays bright.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness with these special projects!

*Operation Crayon: An email notice was sent out and a note was sent home with your child today explaining that Operation Crayon has been cancelled due to the fact that we have 2 other service projects to focus on this month. Thank you for your understanding!

*Don't forget...Yearbook orders are due Monday, December 1st! Get them now before its too late!


*Mon. 11/24: Scholastic Book Orders Due: order online or send in book order

*Wed. 11/26-11/28: Happy Turkey Day! No school! Enjoy the holidays with friends and family!

Monday 12/1: Welcome back to school =)


Mrs. Olsen's Language Arts Class:

*Conferences: Thank you all for replying back about conferences. I look forward to meeting with you the week of Dec. 1st.

*Reading: We will continue to work on self questioning and The Keeping Quilt. If you know anyone who quilts or quilt yourself and would like to share your knowledge and talent with the class, please let me know. We would love to have you in our classroom Monday or Tuesday.

*English: We will work on point of view writing as we write our silly turkey stories. These will be fun to share with family at Thanksgiving!

*Spelling: There will be no spelling next week.

Mrs. Olsen's Science and Social Studies:

*Science: We will continue scientific inquiry. Remember, you can log on at home to view our science textbook. What a great way to review!

*Social Studies: We will continue to work on Ch 3 as we discuss immigration and culture.

Mrs. Olsen's Math:

*Math: We will be working on money problems and addition and subtraction problem solving. Please continue to practice subtraction facts. I will send home some practice sheets for your child. I would like them to all pass the subtraction fast fact before we our Thanksgiving break!

Thank you for reading my blog this week. I wish you and your family a wonderful, relaxing, and safe holiday break. I am so thankful for such wonderful students and great families this year!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble, gobble =) Mrs. Olsen