Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 16-20

Odds and Ends

*Conferences: It was so great to meet and talk with so many parents for conferences. I enjoyed discussing your child's progress in 3rd grade. If you have any more questions or comments, please feel free to email ( or call (630-783-5090) as always!

*Scholastic Book orders are due Friday 3/20. Thank you for ordering!

*GOING GREEN: We will begin our school wide plan to recycle plastic and aluminum next week on Tuesday. This was an idea that started in our classroom by the students. What a great idea to make Prairieview greener! Please wear green for our first day of our program and in honor of St. Patrick's day on Tuesday, 3/17.


*Wed. 3/18: Jump Rope Assembly

*Thurs. 3/19: Egypt Unwrapped

*Fri. 3/20: Spelling: Test List 20
Book orders due


Mrs. Olsen's Language Arts Class:

*Reading: We will do some end of the book activities with Ramona Quimby Age 8. Our next unit will be on biographies.

*English: We are going to finish up the verbs unit 3. The test is scheduled for Thurs. 3/26. A study guide will be sent home.

*Spelling: We are back in the book. We will be on list 20. There will be pretest on Monday and a final test on Friday. A packet will be due on Friday.

Mrs. Olsen's Science and Social Studies:

*Science: We are still busy working on ch. 10: Space. We are learning about the planets. Ask your child about "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos!"

*Social Studies: The students are learning about Egypt and mummies. Egypt Unwrapped is on Thursday and will be a great extension to what we have been doing in class.

Mrs. Olsen's Math Class:

*Math: We are going to start chapter 14, focusing on lines, angles, and plane figures. This is a quick chapter, so the test is scheduled for Tues. 2/24. We will also take the 2 division test on Monday and begin 3's division with the test on Friday.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! ~Mrs.Olsen