Thursday, April 30, 2009

May 4-8

Odds and Ends
*Food Drive: Congratulations to the 3rd graders for collecting the most food in our food drive! We all showed wonderful character as we reached out to help those in need in our community.
*Shoe Collection: We will still be collecting old gym shoes until May 8th.
*Summer School: Check out the summer school brochure on the district website ( to see if your child is interested in any fun summer classes! I will be teaching a class titled "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" which will be all about fun ways to help protect Mother Nature! I will also teach a class called "Center Cass on Stage" about acting and getting things ready behind the scenes. We will have an end of summer school play!

*Field Trip: The Chicago boat tour field trip will be on Tuesday, June 2nd. We will only be able to take 4 parent chaperons per classroom with us on this trip. Each chaperon will be required to pay an additional $6 charge. You will need to be able to meet us at Prairieview at 9am on June 2nd. You'll ride the buses down with us, and you will be responsible for a group of 4-5 students (including your own.) The buses will return to Prairieview at approximately 2pm. If you are interested in this job, please email me. Space is limited, so the first 4 parents to email me will be awarded the job. As was the case last year, chaperons often cancel. If you are not one of the first 4 to email me, you will be put on a waiting list in the order in which you have emailed me. Please keep in mind that space is very limited. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


*Wed. 4/6: Math: Chapter 18 Fractions Test

*Fri. 4/8: Spelling Test List 25


*Reading: We will continue to work on reading and writing poetry. We will also be working in small guided reading groups to work on fluency and inferences.

*English: We will continue to work on narrative writing and adjectives. The unit 4 adjective test is scheduled for Wed. 4/13.

*Spelling: We will be on list 25. There will be a packet due on Friday and test on Friday.

*Science: We will continue to work on ch 11: matter. We will focus on chemical and physical changes. The test is scheduled for Thurs. 4/14. A study guide will be sent home next week.
*Social Studies: We are finished with our Egypt unit and moving onto Sweet Home, Chicago! We will begin our Chicago unit next week, beginning with early settlers of the area.

*Math: We are working hard on fractions! We will review this week. The test is scheduled for Wed. 4/6. Look for a practice test coming home on Monday! Our next chapter will be ch 19: Decimals. We will work on 9's division next week.

Enjoy the weekend! Go Cubbies!
Mrs. Olsen