Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 18- May 22

Odds and Ends

*Scholastic Book Order: Last one of the year! Orders due on Wed. 5/20. You can also order online!

*High Tech- High Touch: A note will be sent home next week about an in-school assembly about matter. This is the same company that did "Goo, Glob, and Guts" with the students earlier in the year. They will be coming on Monday, June 1. The cost is $6.50 per child. Please send in the money by Fri. 5/22. Thank you!


*Mon. 5/18: 2nd Grade Pen Pals visit from Ide

*Mon-Fri: Math: Mixed Divisions Timed Tests: Begin counting towards grade on Friday 5/22.

*Fri. 5/22: Spelling: List 27 Test

*Mon. 5/25: No School: Memorial Day

*Mon. 6/1: Bowling with Gym class AM

*Tues. 6/2: Chicago Field Trip

*Thurs. 6/4: Field Day and Picnic


*Reading: We will begin mystery literature circles as we put together all of the strategies we have learned this year to the test! Each day your child will have assigned reading to do in their mystery book as well as a literature "job" assignment sheet. If they do not finish it in class, it will be sent home as homework. Each child is responsible to keep up with the reading and be ready to share their job sheet each day so they can share in the learning and discussion with their book group. Thanks for helping your child "keep on track". =)

*English: We will work on our last narrative writing project.

*Spelling: We will be on list 27 next week. There will be a pretest on Monday. The packet and test will be on Friday.

*Science: We finished the chapter on matter. We will begin chapter 14: Heat, Light, and Sound. We will not have time to complete this chapter with a final test, so we will have a small, open book reviews. This will be our last chapter for the year!

*Social Studies: We are continuing to learn about Chicago's interesting history. We will take a Chicago history quiz on Thurs. 5/28. This will be our last social studies unit in 3rd grade.

*Math: The students are busy learning about decimals (ch. 19). This is a difficult concept for the students. Please continue to review ones , tenths, and hundredths place with your child. We will have our ch. 19 test on Tues. 5/19. This will be our last chapter test in math. We will finish up the year with a review of probability and data and multiplication and division. We will also be working on mixed division timed tests. We will take one each day next week. If your child passes before Friday, they are done! If they do not pass before Friday, they will retake each day of the following week (graded the same way as current retakes of timed tests). Thanks for your help studying these facts!

Thank you for reading my blog~ Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Olsen