Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week of September 7-11

Odds and Ends

* Curriculum Night: It was so great to see so many of you at Curriculum Night! I know that you all have busy schedules and I am so happy that you were able to come learn more about your child's year in 3rd grade. I know we are going to have a great year together. We are off to an incredible start! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments as the year continues.

*Classroom collection: We are always collecting soup labels and box tops.We can work towards a classroom party!

*Donations needed: In our classroom we take a lot of photos for our end of the year memory books. If you would like to help out, please send in disposable cameras and film. I also need volunteers to take the film to be processed. Thank you in advance for your help!

*Also, we started our Goodie Ticket Turn-In each Friday, where students can turn in their earned tickets for prizes. We are always in need of toys (little stuffed animals, notebooks, pens, pencils, stickers, etc) for the prize box! Thanks!


* Mon. 9/7: No School: Labor Day

*Thurs. 9/10: Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: Chapter 1 Test

*Fri. 9/11: Spelling: List 3 Test


*Reading: We will continue with visualization next week. We will focus on character, setting, and plot. Please send in a 3-ringed binder (1 inch) with your child next week. We will be using them to make reading portfolios. The binders can be new or used and can be any color or design. Thank you!

*English: We have been busy learning about the 4 types of sentences. Next week we will focus on subject and predicate. This can be a tricky concept for students, so please be sure to review each night.

*Spelling: We will be on List 3, words that are spelled with ou. A pyramid spelling sheet will be sent home Tuesday and due on Thursday. The test will be on Friday. Keep up the good work!

*Science: We are learning about inquiry tools and skills. We will focus on the skills scientist use to conduct experiments. Ask your child about the inquiry tools we explored in class!

*Social Studies: We will begin our map skills unit next week. We will focus on cardinal and intermediate directions and the compass rose.

*We are going to finish chapter 1 next week. We will spend Monday and Tuesday reviewing and finishing up lesson 6. The chapter 1 test will be on Thursday 9/10. Your child will be taking home their math textbook next week each night to study. We will begin chapter 2 on Friday.

Thank you for checking out our blog this week!
Enjoy the LONG weekend and beautiful weather!

~Mrs. Olsen and Miss Millbrandt