Friday, October 2, 2009

October 5 - 9

Odds and Ends

* Matter Presentation: We will have a special in-school presentation about matter on Thurs. 10/29. This will be in the morning before any Halloween activities. Please send in $6.50 with your child if you have not already. Thank-you!

*Book order: October book orders have been sent home. If you are interested, please send in a check or purchase online (online purchases help our classroom earn free books!). All orders are due Fri. Oct. 23rd.
*Dictionaries: Thank you to the Rotary Club of Darien who donated brand new dictionaries to each of the third graders. We have enjoyed looking through them and learning so many new words and facts. The dictionaries go very well with our class read aloud, Frindle. Ask your child what this story is about and how it connects to their new dictionary!


*Wed. 10/7: Social Studies: Hemisphere Quiz

*Thurs. 10/8: Reading: Vocab. Graded Review

*Fri. 10/9: Spelling: List 7 Test
Math: Chapter 3 Test
Addition Timed Tests: Begin for grade


*Reading: We will begin a new strategy: clarifying. We will read a non-fiction story called The Night of the Pufflings. We will focus on fact and opinion. Look for 7 new vocabulary words to review...we will take a graded review on these words on Thurs. 10/8.

*English: We will begin a unit on descriptive writing. We will also begin DOL #3- book titles and introductory words.

*Spelling: We will work on list 7 this week. The focus for the week is irregular plural nouns. We will have a pretest on Monday. If your child misses one or less words on the pretest, they will be given an alternative spelling list for the week that follows the same rule. They will have different activities to do for the week, due on Friday. The test for both lists will be on Friday.

*Science: The students are busy learning about the reason the seasons! Vocab focus: axis, rotation, and revolution.

*Social Studies: We will spend a few days reviewing hemispheres. A study guide will be sent home on Monday. Please review this concept at home for a graded quiz on Wed. 10/8.

*Math: Students are busy working on greater number addition and estimating sums. Please remind your child to estimate a sum using mental math or paper and pencil before solving the problem to make sure their answer is reasonable. We will have the chapter 3 test on Friday, 10/9. We will also practice timed addition tests each day this week. They will begin counting for a grade on Friday, 10/9. If your child passes on Friday, they will receive the full 10 points. For each day after Friday, a point will be deducted for retakes.

Thank you for checking out our weekly blog!
Enjoy your weekend and try to stay dry!

Mrs. Olsen and Miss Millbrandt