Friday, November 20, 2009

Weeks of 11/23-12/4

Odds and Ends

* Thanksgiving Break: We will enjoy friends, family, and good food for the Thanksgiving break Wed. 11/25-11/27. Classes will resume on Mon. 11/30. Happy Turkey Day!

*Conferences: Parent teacher conferences will be held Mon 11/30, Tues. 12/1, and Wed. 12/2. An email was sent to confirm your date and time. If you have not responded to the email, please do so! Thank you!

Also, sent home today was a green note for you to fill out as a pre-conference form. Please look for it in your child's binder. Please send it back before your scheduled conference date. This will help to address the areas you would like to discuss during your 15 minute conference. Thanks!

*White envelopes: Please don't forget to send in the special note if you have not already! Email me if you have any questions about this! Thanks!

*Tivoli Movie: We will be going to see a special holiday movie on Fri. 12/18 at the Tivoli Theatre in Downers Grove. The cost is $3. Please send in $3 and the signed permission slip next week if you have not already. Thank you!

*Character Counts Gives Back! The Prairiview staff and students have a yearly tradition of giving back to the community at this time of year when we have so much to be thankful for. A note was sent home this week about our service project (on green paper). As a class, we have "adopted" a family who has a child with cancer. Due to financial struggles and spending the holidays at the hospital, we are going to help to make their holidays special. Here are the ages of our family:

4 year old boy (cancer patient)
11 year old girl


Please send any new, wrapped items (labeled with a sticky note with the name or age of person the gift is for and what it is). We will then collect the items in the classroom and it will be delivered to the family before the holidays. I will keep items we receive posted so we can see what family member needs what and to avoid doubles. Please have your items in by Tuesday, December 8th. Thank you!


*Tues. 11/24: English: DOL Quiz #5
Science: Chapter 10 Lesson 3 Open Book Review

*Wed. 11/25-Fri. 11/27: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!

*Tues. 12/1: Report Cards Sent Home
Social Studies: Downers Grove/Chapter 12 Test

*Thurs. 12/3: Spelling: List 13 Test

*Fri. 12/4: No School


*Reading: We will focus on point of view and author's purpose as we look at fairy tales and "fractured fairy tales" (familiar stories with twists). We will work on writing familiar fairy tales from a different point of view.

*English: We will work on point of view stories as we write creative stories about Thanksgiving from the turkeys point of view. We will begin chapter 3 on verbs on Mon. 11/30.

*Spelling: There will be no spelling next week due to the holiday. We will begin list 13 on Mon. 11/30 and test on Thurs. 12/3.

*Science: We are working on finishing our space chapter. We will finish learning about planets and constellations. A study guide will be sent home on Mon. 11/30. The final test will be on Tues. 12/8. Our next unit will be weather.

*Social Studies: We are almost done with our Downers Grove/Ch 12 unit. Below is a picture of our visit with Dr. Tiede. He talked to the students about his job as a superintendent. We learned so much-Thanks, Dr.Tiede!
A study guide was sent home today. The final test will be on Tues. 12/1. We will reviewing for the test in class. Our next unit will be ch. 3: immigration and culture.

*Math: We are done with problem solving and t-charts for the moment! The students did a great job on this concept! Way to go! We will begin chapter 5 on Mon. 11/23. We will work on money and then time.

We will also begin multiplication timed tests, starting with 2's. A packet outlining our schedule will be sent home. We will focus on a times tables each week, working up to 12 and then mixed facts tests. Every Friday will be a timed test for a grade (10 points) . If your child does not pass, retakes will be offered the following week (1 point deducted each day of retake).

Gobble, Gobble!
We are so thankful for each and every student.

You make our days special and bright!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!

Mrs. Olsen and Miss Millbrandt