Friday, January 22, 2010

week of 1/25-1/29

Odds and Ends

*Congratulations to Bobbi and Andrew who did a FANTASTIC job in our 3rd grade spelling bee! We are all so proud of their hard work! Way to go!!

*Change for Haiti: We are collecting spare change for the victims of the horrible earthquake in Haiti. We will be collecting money until Friday, 1/29. If you would like to send in a cash or check (made out to the Red Cross), please send it in a marked envelope (Change for Haiti). Thank you for your help and support for this wonderful cause!

*Volunteers: Thank you to Mrs. Crandell, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Tshulos for volunteering to help in the classroom. I am still looking for any volunteers (parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc) to help read and write in small groups or one on one during our daily center time (Mon-Thurs 2:00-2:20). You can come one day a week, one day a month, or more if you can! Thank you!


*Mon. 1/25: Math: Ch. 20 Customary Measurement Test

* Fri. 1/29: Spelling: List 19 Test
Math: 8's multiplication timed test
Cosmic Capers: 9:30-11:00


*Reading: We will continue to discuss summarizing and sequencing as we finish reading Lost and Found. We will work on an extended response to this story, as well as other ISAT test preparation.

*English: We will continue to study adjectives (ch 4).

*Spelling: We will work on list 19 this week. This list focuses on words spelled with "or". There will be a test on Friday.

*Science: We will continue to talk about the water cycle and weather this week. We will learn about CLOUDS! The students will enjoy the presentation "Cosmic Capers" on Friday. This will review all that we learned in our space unit!

*Social Studies: We were very impressed with the wonderful culture day presentations this week. It was so interesting to learn about each other's cultures and traditions. Thank you for all of your hard work and effort!

*Math: We are finishing up ch. 20 today. We reviewed the chapter today and the ch. 20 test will be on Monday 1/25. We will begin ch 21 Metric measurement next. We will focus on 8's multiplication next week (be sure to study your facts every night...they are getting harder!)

Thank you for checking out my blog this week! Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Olsen