Friday, February 5, 2010

Week of 2/8-2/12

Odds and Ends:

* Valentine's Day Party: We will have our classroom Valentine's Day Party on Friday, 2/12 from 1:30-2:20. If your child would like to hand out valentines for each student in the class, he/she may bring them on Friday. A class list was sent home this week. There are 22 students in the class. Parent helpers: we are only allowing water to be served as the drink this party. Thank you for your cooperation!

* Change for Haiti: We will continue to collect money for Haiti until Monday. Thank you for your generosity!

*Check out this website for a fun writing contest your child can participate in: What fun!


*Mon. 2/8: Reading: Ramona vocab test.

*Tues. 2/9: Science: Ch 9 Water Cycle and Weather Test

*Fri: 2/12: Spelling: List 21 Test
Reading: Ramona comprehension quiz
Valentine's Day Party

*Mon. 2/15: No School: President's Day


*Reading: We will focus on making inferences as we read an excerpt from Ramona Quimby Age 8 by Beverly Cleary. We will also work on other reading strategies as we read and discuss this story. The vocabulary quiz will be on Monday and the comprehension test will be on Friday.

*English: We will work on expository writing.

* Spelling: The students are on list 21. This week's words focus on nouns formed with the suffix er- meaning one who. We will have a test on Friday. Please have your child practice writing the words in cursive, since our weekly tests are done in cursive now. Thanks!

*Science: We will have our end of the unit test on Tuesday, 2/9. The test will cover chapter 9: water cycle. A study guide was sent home last week. Your child can access the textbook online by going to The user name is your child's 7 digit ID number. The password is ccsd66.

*Social Studies: We will begin our study of ancient Egypt.

*Math: We will work on chapter 14: types of lines, plane figures, circles, etc. We will also work on mixed multiplication. We will take several practice tests, so be on the look out for samples of the test coming home! We will practice for 2 weeks. The tests will begin "counting" as a grade on Fri. 2/19.

Thanks for checking out my blog! Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Olsen