Friday, May 27, 2011

Week of 5/31-6/3

Odds and Ends:

*It's hard to believe the last days of third grade are here! I am looking forward to enjoying our last days together and getting ready to send 4th graders out into the world!

*Summer Birthdays: If your child celebrates a summer birthday, she/he can choose any of the remaining school days to celebrate their birthday at school. Please remember, no sugary treats. Thank you!

*The raffle for Japan has just begun. A letter was sent home on Wednesday, with the list of raffle items and raffle tickets. If you wish to participate, just fill in the tickets, put them in an envelope with the money, and return it to your classroom teacher. All tickets must be turned in by June 3rd. We will have the raffle at the all school assembly on June 6th. Thank you so much for your support.


*Mon. 5/30: No school: Happy Memorial Day!

* Tues. 5/31: Talent Show by 4th and 5th grade students
Science: Inquiry Test

*Fri. 6/3: Last day of reading and math
Raffle tickets due

*Mon. 6/6: Field Day and picnic

*Tues. 6/7: Last day of 3rd grade. Report cards sent home. Dismissal at 9:30 am. HAPPY SUMMER!!!


*Reading: We will be finishing up our novels and doing some activities about the books. Please make sure your child has their literature circle packets completed and ready to be turned in on Tues. and the books completed by Wed. Thank you!

*Spelling: We are all done with spelling for the year.

*English: We will continue to work on descriptive writing as we write our super hero stories.

*Science: We will take our inquiry test on Tues. You can view and study the textbook at You need to use the same user name/number as you use for parent connect. Your child should know the password (or you can email me for it!).

*Social Studies: We will work on map making for the end of the year.

*Math: We will focus on revisiting some concepts from earlier in the year such as subtracting across zeros, fractions, and multiplying greater numbers. We will work on mixed division as well.

Thank you and enjoy the warm weather and long weekend together!
Mrs. Olsen