Friday, May 25, 2012

Last week of 3rd grade 5/29

Odds and Ends:

*Thank you to any parents who are able to purchase and pick up class photos from Walgreens. Please send them to school with your child by Wed of this week so we can use them in our scrapbooks. Thanks!

*4 day countdown 'til 4th grade! We will celebrate our last days of 3rd grade with a 4 day countdown to 4th grade. The following spirit days will take place:

Thurs. 5/31: Crazy hair day

Fri. 6/1: Mis match day

Mon. 6/4: Sunglasses/hat day

Tues. 6/5: Crazy footwear day...wear silly socks, mismatched shoes or slippers!

*Bowling: We will go bowling with our PE classes on Thurs from 9-11am. Please send a sack lunch that day since we return right at lunch time and often eat at the bowling alley and don't want any hot lunches to go to waste. You can send up to $10.00 with your child the day of the trip for the snack bar. 

*Gluesticks needed! We will be working on putting our end of the year scrapbooks together next week. We need gluesticks to put these together. Thank you to those families who already sent some in. If you can bring in any more, it would be much appreciated! THANKS!


*Mon. 5/28: No School: Happy Memorial Day!!!!

*Wed. 5/30: Social Studies: Egypt vocab quiz

*Thurs. 5/31: Social Studies: Are you an Ancient Egyptian Expert? test
Math: Logical reasoning quiz 
Bowling: AM

*Fri. 6/1: Math: 8's division test
Reading: Magic show for our 5th grade book buddies

*Mon. 6/4: All school picnic
Bike Show at 12:30

*Tues. 6/5: Last day of 3rd grade! Dismissal at 9:30. 


*Reading: We started book club books and so far the students are really into their books! We will spend time discussing the books together and responding in our reading journals. We will also continue to work on our magic show in preparation for our show to our 5th grade book buddies in Mrs. Klacza's class.

*English:  We will work on some creative and persuasive writing this week.

*Spelling: No more spelling! We will practice some cursive writing and review frequently misspelled words together in class.

*Science: We will be looking at some tools scientists use and discuss and explore the scientific method.

*Social Studies: We will be focusing on the life and discovery of King Tut.

*Math: We are working on logical reasoning. We will have a graded review on Thurs. 5/31. We will also be working on 8's division. The test will be Fri. 6/1.I you have a math textbook at home, please return it next week.Thank you!  Our last day of math will be Fri. 6/1. I have enjoyed teaching math to this wonderful group of students!

Have a beautiful Memorial Day weekend!
