Friday, February 22, 2013

Week of 2/25

Odds and Ends:

*ISATs: ISAT testing in 3rd grade will begin the week of 3/4. All tests will take place in the morning.  The schedule is as follows:

Tues. 3/5: Reading I
Wed. 3/6: Math I
Thurs. 3/7: Reading II
Fri. 3/8: Make ups
Mon. 3/11: Make ups
Tues. 3/12: Math II
Wed. 3/13: Reading III
Thurs. 3/14: Math III
Fri. 3/15: Make ups

*Cancer Smashers: We are kicking off a fundraiser on Mon. 2/25 called Cancer Smashers. This is a fun way to raise money for cancer research. Ask your child about this fundraiser after school on Mon. Thanks!


*Tues. 2/26: Early Dismissal at 11:00

*Fri. 3/1: Reading: February Calendars Due
Spelling: List 17 test


*Reading: We will continue to work on responding to text using the authors ideas and our own ideas. We will also revisit making inferences and asking think and thin questions while we read. We will practice finding the main idea and details as we summarize stories.

*English: We will be working on ch. 4 adjectives.

*Spelling: We will be back on our spelling lists. There will be a pretest on Monday. The homework will be due Thurs. The test will be on Friday. We are on list 17.

*Science: We are busy in ch. 14 learning about light and sound.  The test will be tentatively scheduled for Wed. 3/6.

*Social Studies: We will begin our unit on Chicago soon!

*Math: We are working on ch. 7 probability. This is a short unit. We will work on ch. 18 fractions next. I will combine both ch 7 and ch 18 for a test to be announced at a later date. We are also working on solving word problems and writing what we did and why for each step.

We will also begin our division facts unit in the upcoming week.  I will send home a packet of all of the facts. We will focus on a fact table a week. The students will practice in class and at home. There will be division homework assigned during the week, as well as the other lesson homework. The students will take a timed fact test every Friday. They are worth 10 points. If they need to retake the test, each retake will result in a point deduction from 10 points. The will be able to retake until Thurs of the next week. We will focus on the relationship between multiplication and division and fact families, so our multiplication fact practice and lessons created a strong foundation for learning our division facts.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Olsen