Friday, May 3, 2013

Week of 5/6

Odds and Ends: 

* Bookworm Angels: We are collecting gently used or new books for needy schools. Please send in any books to school for the next two weeks. Thank you for your help!


* Wed. 5/8: Reading: Check in on Good Fit Book Celebrations

* Thurs. 5/9: Wheel of Wisdom assembly

* Fri. 5/10: Math: 9's division timed test
Pronoun enrichment due


*Reading: We will continue to work on poetry.  We will write and read poetry as we continue to talk about the figurative language that poets use. Your child has selected a poem to perform for the class during our poetry celebration. Please have your child practice reading this poem with good fluency and expression. A fluency rubric has been sent home.  We are planning on sharing these poems on Fri. 5/10.

*English: We will work on writing poetry during English. We will also focus on reviewing parts of speech.  Any Pronoun enrichment your child is working on will be due on Fri. 5/10.

*Spelling: We will focus on frequently mis spelled words and vocabulary words from our Good Fit books. More info coming soon!

* Social Studies: We will continue our study of Ancient Egypt. We will focus on mummies and pyramids.

*Science: We will begin our chapter on the scientific method.

*Math: We will continue to work on our multiplication and division fact families. We will also begin ch. 24 on learn division with remainders. We will work on long division as well.  We will also focus on our 9's division facts. A timed test will be on Fri. 5/10.

Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Olsen