Friday, November 1, 2013

Week of 11/4

Odds and Ends: 

*Thank you to the wonderful room parents who helped organize and celebrate a great Halloween party with the students. Thank you for Mrs. Lafin, Mrs. Bende, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Singh, Mrs. Orozco, Mrs. Stanley,  Mrs. Jaikovski, and all of the other parents who helped plan the party and send in items. It was a great success!

* Please take a look at the earlier posts on our blog: I posted lots of pictures of what we have been doing in class. I plan on posting some videos and more pictures soon!


*Mon. 11/4: PM Parent Teacher Conferences
Bears Spirit Day!

*Tues. 11/5: PM Parent Teacher Conferences

*Wed. 11/6: PM Parent Teacher Conferences

*Thurs. 11/7: Friday specials schedule
Spelling: List 10 Test
Reading: Word A Day Week 2 review

*Fri. 11/8: No School

*Mon. 11/11: No School: Veteran's Day


*Reading: We will focus on cause and effect and non fiction text. We will also work in book groups as we continue to practice making inferences.

We have also been working to build our academic vocabulary with "Weekly Wise Words". Your child has been taking home a "place mat" with our dinner plate words on them. Each day of the week, your child will be introduced to a new word. We discuss the meaning, how to use it in a sentence, its part of speech, and do some activities with the word. The students' daily goal is to use the word in school and at home as much as they can...calling them dinner plate words remind them to discuss the words around the dinner table! We did a practice test this week. Next week they will take a short graded review over the words on Thurs.

*English: We will focus on nouns and DOL #5: quotations. Look for your child's pretest in their English folder.

*Spelling: This week we will work on list 10. There will only be 2 homework assignments for the short week. The test will be on Thurs.

*Social Studies: We will begin our modern day portion of our Downers Grove unit. We will also learn about local governments in ch.12. A permission slip will be sent home on Mon. for our upcoming field trip to visit some of the historic places in Downers Grove. We will go on Thurs. 11/14. Please send back the permission slip and money by Thurs. 11/7.

*Science: We will continue to talk about the water cycle as well as weather. We will be doing close readings of weather text and learning about non fiction text features using a variety of leveled weather related books.

*Math: We are busy answering the question, "What is Multiplication?" We have been learning about making equal groups of objects, arrays, repeated addition, and the commutative property of multiplication. We will continue to practice the concept of multiplication next week. Look for your child's ch. 3 subtraction test coming home next week...I had to delay sending it home until all tests were completed. Thank you for your patience!

Have a great weekend!!!!

Mrs. Olsen