Friday, December 12, 2014

Week of 12/15

Odds and Ends

*Food Drive: We will continue to collect food for the food drive next week. Thank you to those who have already donated to this great cause!


*Mon 12/15: Bowling AM

*Tues. 12/16: Early Dismissal at 11:00 am
Math: Chapter 5 Test
Social Studies: Downers Grove and Chapter 12 Test

* Fri. 12/19: Pizza lunch in the classroom with Mr. Pagel
Tivoli Movie: Miracle on 34th Street


*Reading: We began our new ELA unit on cultures and traditions. We have been sharing some of our favorite holiday traditions.  When we return from break, we will continue this unit as we link it to our social studies unit on culture and immigration. Please spend some time over break talking abour your cultural background and traditions. This will help your child begin to prepare for our Culture Day Presenations that we will begin working on after  break.

*English: We will continue our study of verbs.

*Spelling: Due to the different schedule next week, we will not have any spelling list.

*Social Studies: We are wrapping up our unit on local government and Downers Grove. The students will be able to use their Downers Grove packets.  A study guide and vocabulary words to know were sent home this week. The test will be Thurs. 12/18. We will begin a unit on immigration and culture when we return from break.

*Science: We are busy working hard on our weather explanatory papers. They are turning out awesome! We will continue to finish these next week. We will begin a unit on Matter when we return from break.

*Math: The students are learning the facts for 0,1,2, 5, and 9's this week. We are done with our subtraction fast facts, unless your child needs to retake it next week. We will focus on multiplication facts next week, beginning with the 2's. Once your child passes 2's, they will work on the 5's.  They will have all of next week to work on the 2's. 5's will begin the week following break.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen