Friday, March 13, 2015

Week of 3/16

Odds and Ends: 

*Spring is here! We will be having more outdoor recess now. Please send your child with the coat you would like him/her to wear outside. They will need to bring their jacket outside and if they get too warm, they can tie it around their waist. It's often not as warm as the weather man says when we are outside at 11:20!

*Scholastic Book Order: Feb/March book orders due March 20th...please turn in your orders online or send in a check. Thanks!


*Tues. 3/17: Happy St. Patrick's Day!

*Wed. 3/18: Math: Chapter 9 Fractions Test

* Thurs. 3/19: Early Dismissal


*Reading: We will begin our ELA Unit 3: Folktales, Fables, and Myths, oh my! We will focus on these genres of text.

*English: We will continue to work on our autobiography writing.

*Spelling: We will continue to work on synonym/antonym analogies.

*Social Studies: We will begin our study of Chicago!

*Science: We will be wrapping up our study of ch. 14 with lesson 4: Sound. A study guide was sent home. The test is scheduled for Tues. 3/24.

*Math: We will continue to work on ch. 9: Fractions.  A practice test will be sent home Tuesday and the chapter 9 test will be Wed. 3/18. Our next unit will dig deeper into fractions.  We will also spend another week practicing mixed multiplication facts. The last week before spring break we will work on 2's division facts.

Enjoy the warm weather and sunshine this weekend!

Mrs. Olsen