Friday, January 19, 2018

week of 1/22

Image result for image of weather cartoon

Odds and Ends:

Spelling Bee: Congrats to our classroom spelling bee winners, Shivang and Joe. I am so proud of all of the students and how well everyone did. We are excited to see Shivang and Joe represent our class in Wednesday's grade level spelling bee.
Image result for image of spelling bee

Dear Parents and Guardians of 3rd grade Panthers,

We have made the decision as a 3rd grade team not to generally administer the Winter MAP test to our students.  At this time, we felt that the time away from instruction to take this test was not worth the results we would get.  We have not made any decisions about the Spring MAP test.  For Winter data review we continue to use Fountas and Pinnell Reading Leveling (Benchmarking next week) and our Common ELA and Math assessments that the students have taken on line which directly assess the standards we are teaching in our curriculum.  If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out to your homeroom teacher.

The Third Grade Team


Image result for image of weather cartoon* Wed. 1/24: Science: Mystery Science: Weather Test 
*Fri. 1/26: Math: 7's multiplication fast fact test

Keep filling our your reading logs for January. They are due Feb. 1st. 


* Reading: We will continue to focus on culture as we finish up writing about what it would be like if we had animal teeth. We will also read a story called Matchbox Diary and write about a small object that is important to us.  Later in the week, we will begin discussing our upcoming culture day project. 

Our Culture Day research will be starting next week. Please help your child pick a culture they can research, write about, and present.  It should be a culture that represents your family!  There will be more information coming as the dates for presentations get closer.

* Spelling: We will get new words on Monday. 3 homework activities and the test be on Fri. 2/2. 

*Science: We are wrapping up our unit on weather. We will have our end of the unit test on Wed. 1/24. A study guide was sent home. We will take a break from science and start our unit on Culture next. 

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We started Unit 5: Multiplication, Division and Area. We will continue to work on these concepts and how they are related next week. We will also work on 7's multiplication facts with a test on Friday. 

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Olsen