Thursday, February 28, 2019

Week of 3/4-3/8

Odds and Ends: 

Image result for image of children around the worldCulture Day Presentations are coming up! We are almost finished (or finished) with our country reports. Your child might need to work on this over the weekend. We spent all week typing our reports and they are turning out beautiful! We talked again about culture presentations today. 

Here is what your child is expected to do on the date of their presentation (the week of 3/11---see the purple note with the exact date of their presentation) 

1. Read 3 chapters from their country report (they should practice this at home)
2. Share a connection they have with the country (photo, poster, google slide show, video)
3. Share 2 items that represent their country (food, instrument, music, dance, clothing, book, artifact). 

If they choose to bring in food, please send in the list of ALL ingredients. Thanks! Email me with any questions !


*Fri. 3/1: No School: Teacher Institute Day 

*Mon. 3/4: Reading Calendars due: Feb. 

* Fri. 3/8: Math:2's division timed test 


*Reading: We will continue to work on non fiction text structures and features. We will also work on main idea and detail with non fiction text.  We will finish working on our country reports and our African American biographies. We will be sharing our biography reports next week. 

*Spelling: We will focus on prefix/suffix. No spelling lists will be coming home, but your child will have a packet to work on both at home and at school. There will be  test in the upcoming weeks on this material- more info coming soon. 

*Science: We are wrapping up our unit on forces and magnets. 

Image result for image of chicago*Social Studies: We will begin our unit on Chicago. We will talk about the history of this great city as we prepare for our field trip to the Chicago History Museum on March 19th. 

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We continue to work on division and multiplication as it relates to story problems, arrays, area, and perimeter. We will begin our division timed tests with 2's division test on Fri. 3/8. 

Have a great long weekend! Spring is just around the corner! WOO HOO!
Mrs. Olsen