Friday, December 6, 2019

Week of 12/9

Welcome to December!  Winter has arrived! Please remember to dress your child for the weather because we do try to go outside for recess. 


Image result for image of snowman*Tues. 12/10: Early Dismissal 

*Fri. 12/13: Spelling test and activities due
Math: 5's multiplication test 


*Spelling: 3 activities are due on Fri. 12/13. Your child has been given several times during the last week to work on these so they should have at least 2 activities done. The test is on Fri. 12/13. 

*Reading and Language Arts: This week we will focus on character traits and extended responses. We will determine traits of characters in stories and recall important events in stories. We are learning all about culture and traditions. We will be talking about holiday traditions and tooth fairy traditions. 

December Reading calendars are due on Mon. 1/6. 

*Science: We began to work on our first unit in science: trait and inheritances. Ask your child about the wolves and deer game we played, which focuses on why animals work and stay in groups. 

*Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: Unit 2 continues with multiplication strategies. We will also work on 5's multiplication with a test on Fri. 12/13. 

Have a great weekend! Stay warm!
Mrs. Olsen